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Dylan@RUPES last won the day on November 17 2016

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    Dylan von Kleist

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  1. The LHR75E Mini works great as a sander... we actually pair it up with our X-Cut foam backed abrasives for spot sanding of painted panels. It will be perfect for headlight restoration work paired up with the right abrasives. GO FOR IT!
  2. The duetto will run circles around the PC - while the chassis might have a similar style, don't forget the Duetto has a 12mm orbit vs 8mm on the PC. Much more torque as well.
  3. All coatings "allow" waxing... there isn't a ban on it The issue is that the hydrophobic nature of the coating would be compromised by layering a wax over the top... the primary reason you would want a coating on the paint of your vehicle is its ability to shed contamination and moisture from its surface. Inhibiting that feature somewhat defeats a large part of the primary purpose of applying a coating in the first place. A quality coating product from a reputable manufacturer is going to be FAR more hydrophobic than a wax could ever hope to be... add to that the fact the wax itself would behave like a surface contaminant and the coating would not allow it to adhere very well to the surface. It would be like taking your non-stick frying pan, and applying something to it that made things more likely to stick. Just isn't logical.
  4. You are correct. After re-reading my post I can see where I mis-spoke (posted) When I said larger I meant in relation to common tools on the market, not the Cyclo specifically. It would have been more clear to say LARGE orbit, not LARGER orbit. In terms of pressure - not sure I understand your statement there. For the optimal performance of both machines pressure should be minimal. The BigFoot tools are designed specifically NOT to require downward pressure, pretty much only the weight of the tool. The Cyclo is the same. Excessive downward pressure rarely offers much benefit to a polishing operation and causes fatigue for operators. Long story short - if its a race for complete removal of a defect in identical conditions the LHR15II will be the faster machine due to its operating speed and torque delivery.
  5. EDIT - disregard. I have everyone now... you goods will be shipping today. Cheers!
  6. My bad - the owner of the photo takes the prize, but maybe we'all include the quoted post too bc I'm feeling generous
  7. Heres my 5 picks! If I quoted you above shoot me an email: dylanv@rupesusa.com with your 1) full name 2) your screen name here on AF 3) complete shipping address. We'll get these mugs, keychains, and maybe a couple other surprises on their way to you.
  8. Hey... part of the benefit of working in the building where both the Cyclo and now the BigFoot 15 and 21 are built for the US market. No bias in my opinion between these tools, they're all part of the RUPES family now
  9. Might not be an Adam's mug, but I'll be happy to give away some RUPES mugs with BigFoot keychains. Post a reflection shot, I'll pick about 5 of my favorites and send you the mug free of charge.
  10. The LHR15II is going to give you a substantial upgrade in cutting power compared to the Cyclo. Now don't get me wrong, the Cyclo is a great tool and does a fantastic job, but its strongest attribute is its balance. Really its the only tool on the market that can claim lower vibration levels than the BigFoot family, but the higher OPM and larger stroke of the BigFoot 15 means it cuts faster and finishes clean. It really comes down to what your goals/needs are. If you want something to do the bulk of the work faster than your Cyclo can then get a 15 Mark II. If you find yourself needing a tool for tight areas and edgework get the LHR75E Mini (it'll run the same pads as your Cyclo so thats an added bonus).
  11. No idea. Haven't used the product. There are dedicated panel wipes that are far more capable of preparing a surface for coating than any soap could be.
  12. There are dozens of coatings already on the market using the 9H claim already, its not uncommon. Some even have gone so far as to claim "HARDER THAN 9H" which is somewhat amusing if you know the pencil hardness scale. Anyways - its not a new marketing tactic, its mostly BS that the seller knows the average consumer won't go do the trouble to prove/disprove.
  13. Certainly that is true, my point is this - there is no standard by which coatings are measured and a pencil hardness test is easily manipulated by the coating thickness. If you do the deep dive with some of these products, and assuming they even actually did the test and will provide the information the 9H rating only comes in at a thickness of 25µ or more which is an unrealistic thickness to recreate on the paint of a vehicle. At the more realistic level of 5µ the hardness evaluation can drop by 4 levels or more. Again - red herring. Facts - can a coating provide increased resistance to light swirls and marring? Absolutely! Does a claim of 9H make one coating harder than another? Absolutely not unless both coatings are compared at their ACTUAL applied thickness for a set number of coats for the comparison.
  14. Don't get sucked into the pencil hardness evaluation of coatings, its a red herring. Its a topic thats far more in depth than what I'm going to get into here, but the long and short is the "9H" claim thrown around by so many products is effectively useless as its not validated and honestly has very little real world benefit due to the low amount of film buildup by most products.
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