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Do i wipe clay bar residue after cleaning?



I have watched the dvd i got with my essentials kit i just got and i noticed in there Adam never said anything about wiping off the clay bar residue after claying. Im curious do i leave it on there and go to the SHR or wipe it off. Also saw that he went from SHR to revive polish without wiping off either so just want to make sure before i detail my car. Thanks

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10 answers to this question

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some people wipe it off, some people go straight over it with SHR, and some people even re-wash the car after claying. I re-wash so I know exactly what I am working with before I start correcting

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yes ALWAYS clean the paint surface after claying.


With Adam's polishes you don't need to remove the residue between the polishing steps, but I always do. Adams is a diminishing abrasive polish so the abrasives break down and don't leave the cutting properties behind.

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It's mostly personal preference. Like has already been said, you can leave it, remove it, or re-wash the car. I prefer to re-wash the car when I'm done claying just to make sure I'm starting with a smooth, clean surface before polishing.

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some people wipe it off, some people go straight over it with SHR, and some people even re-wash the car after claying. I re-wash so I know exactly what I am working with before I start correcting

:iagree: Some do some don't. If you watch Adam in his video's he goes right over the residue!

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I wipe between each product to inspect the surface. If it's not good enough to move to the next step, why move on? No sense polishing an area that needs more clay attention, etc.


Remember, Adam is a true expert that used to detail for money...so he had to move quickly. He's also done enough cars to know that his technique is perfect. For us hobby guys, go slow and get the best result possible.

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I wipe the clay residue/detail spray after each section I do. I will then use the plastic bag to see if I have the surface as smooth as I can get it. If not I will redo that area again until it is smooth.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>


As for the SHR and the FMP that is a different story. I will do a section by first doing a coat of SHR followed by a coat of FMP on top of the SHR. I will then wipe it to see if I have achieved the results I want. If so, I will then do the whole car by first applying the SHR and then applying the FMP. I then remove it all once I have completed the entire car.<o:p></o:p>

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