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comment about the forums

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I am pretty new to these forums and I've been reading and posting here for the last week or so. I have been a member of many internet communities through the years. I just want to say that this is by far the nicest, most helpful, and troll-free group of people I have ever met - and I mean not only on the web, but also in person. In addition, I have rarely seen a company that is so devoted to making sure their customers are absolutely delighted with their products and customer service.


I have asked a lot of n00b questions here in the forums and I have never been flamed for it and told to "read the thread!" I've been made to feel very welcome among this group who share a common interest in their cars. I just want to say thank you! I look forward to detailing my cars with you all.

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You know what thats the way it should be we have a common interest unlike regular car and truck forums where we personalize our vehicles and someone either likes it or they dont and make stupid comments on here all the info and products are the same. so it makes life a little easier in that respect but we are or were all new at one time and all it takes is someone to help lead you down the road and when the next newbie comes along you will show them thats how we grow. not to mention the great products and service of adams second to none and even my wife agrees which amazed me lol.

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I too, cannot believe the way Adam and his crew gets personally involved with the customer and questions. Any day, any time, they are always there to provide exceptional customer support. Lastly, they continue to provide new and innovative products. I am a lifetime customer for sure and will promote Adam's products to everyone I can!

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I firmly believe we are all a reflection of what we truly enjoy and that's the love for our cars and trucks.This forum really seems to have alot more mature feeling to it and that is also a reflection on Adam and his company and the peole who work for him.I follow quite a few sites and this is the one I check first everyday when I get a chance.

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(In my best Forrest Gump voice): YES DRILL SERGEANT!


But actually it needs to be in your best "Pvt. Joker" "Sir, YES SIR!"


Just having a personal flashback, Marine DI's will make you do "bends and M-F'n thrusts" until you die if you call them "Drill Sergeant"

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