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2003 c5

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This one was really involved and keep in mind I use a rotary. I started out with SWH on a nanofoamedwool pad, then SWH on a orange pad, FMP on green LC pad, final was Menzerna PO85rd on LC blue pad for the jeweling, finished up with 2 coats of APW.


Thanks for the details. I'm not surprised that job took more than the typical Adam's process... my Vette seems to resist all my best efforts! :lol:



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No, those swirls are from washing with 400 grit sandpaper :lol: A buffer trail (or hologram) looks almost like the contrails a jet leaves in the sky.


Oh yes I have seen those before. Car looks great. If I ever do a roadtrip to Alaska I'll make sure to drop my car off with Taig.

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