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Site went down/Day of posts apparently lost

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Hi Everyone -


It appears adamsforums.com experienced a glitch that took us off-line for a few hours yesterday. We're working this AM to figure out exactly what happened, but it appears that our hosting company has already rode in to the rescue and restored the site from a June 1 backup. That means we lost about a day's worth of posts, and we're trying to get in touch with the hosting co. to see if there's any chance of getting them restored.


As of this writing this is all the info we have and we'll keep you updated as we learn more. Our apologies for the inconvenience.


The Adam's Team.

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So what you are telling me is the cure for cancer I posted yesterday AND the meaning of life are both gone !!!!!




I knew I should have made a backup of those :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Don't you make like 200 post a day too?:lolsmack::lolsmack:
we lost our fancy member titles too :(


Good thing the host had a recent backup otherwise the amount of data loss would be pretty bad considering how active the forum is

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we lost our fancy member titles too :(


Good thing the host had a recent backup otherwise the amount of data loss would be pretty bad considering how active the forum is


No, I just put them back. Carry on! :2thumbs:



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thanks Rich, I know you probably have quite a few things you need to restore. I've had my forum's database screw up multiple times and I know the aggravation of getting everything back to the way it was


for me it always seemed to happen at the busiest times too :lolsmack:

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Yea, I made about 7 posts Tuesday night, then all at once the forums went down. I feel like it was all my fault, since it didn't know how to handle all that traffic from ME.:lol:


I'm sure things will get back to normal, but my "welcome, Toms94 You last visited: 05-27-2009" I know that we have lost some stuff...

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