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Good News Thread


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Good news today is that I have nothing to do except work on the Vette to get her ready for Carlisle.

Man, I'm wrecked after yesterday. A wedding and two birthday parties. I ate and drank way too much. So now I have to go work it off. :hi:

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Well good new for today is i did to pickup loads of firewood. Change the oil in my truck and now i got to taking my bad light switch out of my dash. Now i am going to be riding with no dash for a while till i get a new switch.


Now it is on to homework. I have two papers. Three oral presentations and a debate to get done. Schools horrible when it comes to the work.

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Good news...my knee is feeling really good today. :rockon:


Next Monday I go back to see the surgeon. I keep having dreams about them cutting into my leg. I am almost to a point where I want to see if it will repair itself if I keep wearing this leg brace.


Any thoughts as to whether or not this will work or am I just delaying the process of getting myself repaired?? :help:

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I think I'll join in on this thread....The good news is...I'm in my last year of teaching, I'll be retiring after 31 years in June. Now it's not that I can quit working....teachers retirement isn't that good, but I'll be able to take on some smaller jobs and with the retirement check, be able to maintain where we are. Looking at maybe trying to do something different....maybe becoming a dealer of Adams Products :glasses:

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Congratulations Tom! Retirement is great.


Good news is we're leaving for Carlisle in the morning.

Bad news is that it looks like rain for the first time since we've been going. Guess it had to happen sometime.

You all behave now. Teresa..............keep Bill in line! :lolsmack:

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Well after retirement, maybe...just maybe, I'll be able to attend some of these Corvette functions (like Carlisle). Seems the best ones are either early May or Late August-early September, and those are not good times for a teacher. Have fun!

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The good news is...I'm in my last year of teaching, I'll be retiring after 31 years in June.


You must be part Saint to put up with all those kids. I could never do it and I have a ton of patience.


Congrats on the upcoming retirement. :2thumbs:


Teresa..............keep Bill in line! :lolsmack:

Oh you know I will!!! AngelDevilSmiley.gif


Have fun without me Rich!! :(

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I've been busy here lately, but my good news is I bought a new motorcyle on Tuesday :banana::banana::banana:



I'll post pics when I get a chance.

Be careful. :o




It is raining here today. Actually it is storming right now. Looks like it isn't even going to stop at all til Sunday. :help:

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You must be part Saint to put up with all those kids. I could never do it and I have a ton of patience.


Congrats on the upcoming retirement. :2thumbs:


The kids aren't that bad...in fact I enjoy being around them...it's all the other politics that are running me out. 31 years will be plenty.

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:hi::hi: Good Morning everyone.


Well I went back to the surgeon yesterday and he said he wants to fix my knee. There is a problem though. He said that he knows how to stop bleeding from an artery or a vein but he has to drill into my bone and into the bone marrow and he isn't sure how to stop bleeding at that spot.


The reason he is concerned about bleeding is because I have inherited a blood disease from my mother that is called Factor V Leiden. It makes my blood extremely thick so they have put me on Coumidin to thin out my blood. He said that I need to see a Hematologist to figure out what the next step will be. :willy::willy::willy: I am prone to blood clotting. :help:



On a better note...the sun is shining and we are going to have a high of 75*. IMO that is pretty darn close to perfect. :thumbsup:


Have a fun day everyone. :burnout:

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