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It's 7:51 EST time. I think we need to call Jason so he can get up and go to work early!!!!





Agreed! If not him then I know where we can find Adam's number... Think he's still asleep? :o

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wow so adams products are really that addicting? lol u guys are goin nuts..this is similar to wat happens when a girl joins my infiniti forum lmao


Wow, this really confirms we all need to get a grip on life,,,,,,,,,,,,,nah. life is just fine with the Adams bunch!

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everyone hum along lol

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im not even gonna lie i got my adams products in te mail last nite..still waiting for the PC and jj1087 uses the stuff already and just seeing his results im addicted to this forum..and the fact that everyone on here is very nice..

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I'm with you Bill. Then again I can't get fired. What's the worse that can happen to me, they will send me to Afghanistan? Oh wait, they are. Looks like I'll be watching even longer now!!!



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Just a bit longer, I want their intro to the world to be perfect :)


I need to look up the word "bit" to see actually how long it is. My money is a bit is less than an hour. Jason, when you were in the Navy did they say that you were going out to sea for a bit. If they did, we'll be waiting for a long long time.



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