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Bug ****!!



Hey folks!!  So....I washed my car today to discover that a bird, or birds, decided to menstruate on my hood. It was like red and dry..which after being washed away, left a stain on the clearcoat. I decided to try to see if I can get it off by using the 3 step process, and this was the result. It didn't come off, and now seems to be a part of the hood. Any ideas on how to remove these blemishes completely? I know that bird crap is like poison to clearcoat and needs to be removed as soon as possible.


Edited by skysharker1
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U guys have me very tempted to go the wet sanding route, got all the blemishes polished out on my 14 ram laramie except that one bird crap etching on the hood. Of course it has to be dead center of the hood close to the windshield so it is even noticeable driving. Basically, if I use 3000 grit paper and water for lube, apply little pressure sanding and stop every so often to check the status I should be able to remove it? Tackled the spot a few times with the rupes mini and Mark 2 but I wasn't seeing an improvement and the paint was getting hot so I quit before I caused further damage.

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as long as its not actually pitted yes your should be able to get it out . once u start u will easily be able to see if there is pitting there or not . at the very least it is gonna drastically reduce its appearance . i have a 14 ram sport and if  my truck  had that defect  i would def try a little wet sanding. go easy on it ,take your time . maybe watch a few videos on wet sanding out a few scratches , so u have an idea of the amount of time spent sanding . best of luck post up the results if you work up the nerve to give it a go :) 

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