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Strip Wash



I have a brand new 2016 truck that's about three months old now.  Just coming up on it's first oil change.  I wash it weekly and have been using Adams products on it.  other than the basic weekly washes I did one daily driver detail on it about 4 weeks ago which was basically a wash, clay bar with detail spray, then H2O G and G.  


I am planning on doing a full detail on it soon which would be a wash, clay bar, revive polish, lps, then Americana Wax.  My question is should my wash be a strip wash?  As I stated earlier I have not waxed the vehicle yet and the only product that has been applied to the paint other than the car shampoo is the detail spray and the H2O G and G.  If I should do a strip wash what do I use to do that?  Do I just mix some APC with my bucket of Car Shampoo?  If so what is the ratio?


Thanks in advance for any input and advice.

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Hi matty, you could do a strip wash if you want to help remove any of the HGG left on the surface by adding about 4oz of our All Purpose Cleaner to 2oz of our Car Shampoo in your wash bucket.


If the HGG has already been on there for a month, it typically lasts around 1-2 months per application. If you notice that water is still beading great, I would recommend the strip wash just so that you have to work a little less with the Clay Bar and Revive Hand Polish for your full detail you have planned.


Let us know if you have any other questions and we'll be happy to help!

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Sorry for the thread-jack Dan, but what are your thoughts on spraying the vehicle with diluted APC and then using a Rinsless Wash?


If you are doing a rinseless wash - I would just add a bit of APC to the bucket - I use 1 gallon per vehicle, so I'd probably add 1/2 oz of APC to the bucket with my 1/2 oz of rinseless - would be a great clean/strip wash in one

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