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Welcome to the forums Steve!  Love the looks of that Tesla, I think I would miss the engine note too much tho!


Thank you Scott and Matt for the welcome.


Matt, I would say the the lack of sound coming from an Italian or Classic American V8, or the mechanical music by anything German is something to be missed for sure, and is one of the biggest drawbacks, along with the extra attention the car brings; although that may not be a drawback for some, it is for me.  The plus side is that it is very easy to have a conversation with everyone in the vehicle, due to a lack of engine sounds, and also from the cabin being acoustically perfect. The High Fidelity system is also quite remarkable and I have thought about pumping some Ferrari 458 tones through it just because haha.  But overall, it is different and I am falling in love with the car.  I did consider a new S6 and test drove one right before test driving the Tesla.  It was a remarkable car. 

Edited by Steve_S
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