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Holograms suddenly appearing in paint



Backstory...My car is a Black 2011 Land Rover LR4 that I bought used back in June.  It has some scratches and swirls that need to be corrected with a polisher but I have used Revive on it, which improved it some.  Two weeks ago, I took my car to the body shop for a repair on the front passenger door.  I picked the car up at night and didn't notice anything special. When I got up the next morning, I saw holograms all down the driver's side of the car.  I have never noticed the holograms before now and it is very noticeable.  Not good.



1) Before I call the body shop and let them have it, it is possible that these may have always been there but with the change of seasons and the angle of sun changing they now are visible?  


2) Would a body shop ever use a buffer on the opposite side of the car from where they were working?


3) If the body shop is the cause of the holograms, would you trust them to fix it?  If not, what would you recommend as a course of action?  


This might be good reason/excuse to buy a Cyclo or Rupes....



Edited by jswhite
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Sorry, I should have included that detail.  I have not noticed the holograms on the passenger side.  The passenger front door is new.  They painted the door and then blended the paint in on that side of the car.  That side of the car looks fine.



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Backstory...My car is a Black 2011 Land Rover LR4 that I bought used back in June.  It has some scratches and swirls that need to be corrected with a polisher but I have used Revive on it, which improved it some.  Two weeks ago, I took my car to the body shop for a repair on the front passenger door.  I picked the car up at night and didn't notice anything special. When I got up the next morning, I saw holograms all down the driver's side of the car.  I have never noticed the holograms before now and it is very noticeable.  Not good.



1) Before I call the body shop and let them have it, it is possible that these may have always been there but with the change of seasons and the angle of sun changing they now are visible?  


2) Would a body shop ever use a buffer on the opposite side of the car from where they were working?




3) If the body shop is the cause of the holograms, would you trust them to fix it?  If not, what would you recommend as a course of action?  


This might be good reason/excuse to buy a Cyclo or




Typically they will use a rotary style buffer on the side that they worked the paint as they wet sand and polish it out etc... I have had my car worked on and it has tons of holograms where the work was done due to this. I didn't call them back if the guy that put the marks there is the guy fixing it were just asking for more disasters in my book, I will polish it out myself and make sure it gets the adams treatment not some busch league junk they got from the lowest bidder. It seems starnge that your marks showed up on the opposite side though. Some shops will wash a car if it's dirty so they can see what they are working with though, if they did that then I would say they didn't use a 2 bucket princess bath and they used old wore out junk to wash it with if you ask me. Not trying to pint fingers but seems you are better off just giving the rover a special spa day with adams products to get it back on the right track to beauty. You could call and ask if they washed or polished it if it helps you sleep at night though. Good luck and sorry to hear anout your situation.

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if the guy that put the marks there is the guy fixing it you're just asking for more disasters in my book, I would polish it out myself and make sure it gets the adams treatment


+1. No sense going back to a body shop, they (typically) aren't equipped to get the paint perfect and swirl-free.

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Usually a body shop will only do what they have to. They will make it look good enough to get it out the door. I know a painter here in my home town that HATES running a buffer and he has perfected spraying clear to the point that he doesn't have to very often. If there are no holograms on the side they fixed I would be surprised if they would have touched the other side unless it was rough enough that they needed to try to match the new shiny side by shining up the other side. On the other hand, it sounds like you have spent a little time with this vehicle so I think you would have noticed them before so there is only one place they could have come from. I also think that going back to the shop to have it fixed is not the best idea. As stated above, if they did that in the first place that is what you will get as a "fix" also.


If you need to set your mind at ease about it you could call or stop in and ask if they did buff it. They will probably tell you how they did it at no charge and "doesn't it look great?" type of BS. At least you would know you need to find a new shop for next time. :wacko:


Just remember not to seal or wax that new paint until it has fully cured out. the shop should have given you a time frame (usually around 60-90 days).

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I would have to agree at least on the going back, your not really going to get much better if that is what they did to start. Honestly most of us will never be happy with anyone elses work due to the levels of care we put our vehicles thru. 


Seems like a good excuse to ride thru the winter with her and give her a nice weekend at the Adams Spa come warmer weather. This would also let the paint finish curing and a good time of year to clean up the vehicle. 

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