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No Discount for shipping to Hawaii?

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I understand free shipping to Continental US.


But can't even get a small discount to ship to Hawaii? $80 shipping on a $200 order is a bit steep.


Local distributor here is only open weekdays and I really don't have time to run there right now.

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Happy to look into this for you Kyle - looking at your account on the site I don't have any thing in your cart so can you give me an idea of what you were looking to order? Once I have an idea of the dims and weight I can take a look at your shipping options. *

As far as the "crappy" hours - why not give them a call and see if they can ship you the order? Or email?

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Sorry for some reason I got a different sign in on the forums from the actual shopping page. I can pm you my log in email if you need it.


Was going to buy going off memory for now

- Wash starter kit

- Angled wheel brush


- VRT block applicators

- Yellow Hex applicator

- Fender brush

- Clay bar

Still looking maybe the paint correction and pads. I still got the old school green paint correction.


Think thats it. Wasn't done shopping just check out the see the shipping and damn.


I never did think of asking them to ship I firgure they are on island so I would just go grab some but even banks have more hours. Guess I'll see what they can do.

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Check with the guys there... while they might not be open on the weekends it would be simple enough to have them drop an order in the mail for you so you get it in a couple of days and far less than shipping it over the ocean like we have to from CO.


Roughing out the order for you with those items its about 11lbs with packaging. Its also an awkward (large) box since it includes the fender brush. The best rate it spit back was $44 and change for 3 day USPS priority. None of the flat rate boxes are available due to the dimensions.

Versus retail (what a person off the street would pay) all the rates appear to be about $10-$20 lower on our site, which makes sense based on our volume discounts, but its still never 'cheap' to ship to the islands... if it was I'd ship myself there ;)

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Are you on O'ahu?


If so, check with Alex at Adam's Polishes Hawaii.  I follow them on IG and have seen pics of their mobile store.  See when they might be doing a weekend event near you, and get your stuff there.







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Yes I'm on Oahu going to give them a call when I firgure out exactly what I want. Still debating if I should get new paint correcting stuff now. Just picked up a new car so hopefully won't need it right away.


Might not be a good idea for me to go into that mobile store. I might buy too much and the wife wouldn't be too happy.


*I must be an idiot I can't find them on facebook to follow..... This is why I don't go on facebook.

Edited by Dillusion
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for making this thread!! I sent an email from the adams store website about a week ago asking the same thing and never got an answer...

But Alex isnt a mobile store, he does mobile events but he has an actual store inside "platinum autosports" really cool guy. I go there for all my adams products since shipping is really high ordering from the website.

One thing I really get bummed out by is when I cant order the mystery boxes cuz shipping is almost as much if not more then the order for the box in the first place

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