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Rinseless and static



I'll start by saying I love rinseless washing and it was a life saver through the rough winter we had. However, lately with the warmer temperatures and presence of dust/pollen, the dust/pollen seems to cling to my truck almost immediately post wash. I don't have this problem with a normal two bucket wash. I'm assuming the rinseless causes a little bit of static maybe? Anyway I'm just curious what would be a good last step product after rinseless washing to prevent this? Detail spray wiped down or brilliant glaze? Those would be my preferred options as I already have a layer of protection. Thanks

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I've never experienced it, but in terms of things generating static - if you're doing a final wipe with a dry towel its certainly possible. Plush towels will build up a little charge when they're being used. One thing you can try (to dissipate the charge) is to mist diluted RW or WW over the surface and do one more wipe with a waffle towel.

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