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DWC Barely Changes Color

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DWC is an awesome product, but what kind of chemistry is behind the reason that compared to other color changing wheel cleaners, that DWC barely changes color?


For example:



Resulted in:




But with another cleaner, this:



Resulted in:



However, DWC still removed all of the iron as I sprayed the cleaner with the strong color change on the wheel first cleaned with DWC and nothing happened:




Brake pads are the same so metallic content wouldn't vary between the two wheels.  Does the color not actually indicate the metallic particles being dissolved?  DWC also cleaned better, I'm just curious about what actually causes the color change and what it really indicates.

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Hi Matt, here's the kicker:  On the VW, the metallic brake pad content is low.  The metal content is higher on different pads, but the brakes on some economy cars like the high MPG cars, say your VW, might have less metal content. 


My wife's Honday Odyssey also has relatively low metallic content in the brake pads, and barely changes color.

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Hi Matt, here's the kicker:  On the VW, the metallic brake pad content is low.  The metal content is higher on different pads, but the brakes on some economy cars like the high MPG cars, say your VW, might have less metal content. 


My wife's Honday Odyssey also has relatively low metallic content in the brake pads, and barely changes color.

But what causes one cleaner to have a dramatic color change when DWC doesn't? DWC did remove everything just as effectively though. Both were used on the same car.

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I always have more brake dust on the front wheels as compared to the back. Thus, I always seem to have more of a color change in the front. Where were these wheels on the car?

Adam's front and the other was on the rear.

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But what causes one cleaner to have a dramatic color change when DWC doesn't? DWC did remove everything just as effectively though. Both were used on the same car.


It's a pretty wild chemical, and I'm not sure how our competitor's juice works.  For us, we found that more metal content in the brake pads = more color change.  

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It's a pretty wild chemical, and I'm not sure how our competitor's juice works.  For us, we found that more metal content in the brake pads = more color change.


That's understandable and thank you for your response Adam. I was just wondering what what make one change color so much more, despite both doing an equally good job, however, yours is also half the price, so I know which one I'll continue to buy.
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Sometimes it's just the particular brake pads.


Like you said, still cleaned, but not as dramatic a color change.


I have to believe part of it is what we did to counteract the scent. While DWC smells, it doesn't smell nearly as bad as others on the market.


How the chemistry is different as a result of, not sure - but some wheels bleed like a bad paper cut and others like a shotgun wound.

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Sometimes it's just the particular brake pads.


Like you said, still cleaned, but not as dramatic a color change.


I have to believe part of it is what we did to counteract the scent. While DWC smells, it doesn't smell nearly as bad as others on the market.


How the chemistry is different as a result of, not sure - but some wheels bleed like a bad paper cut and others like a shotgun wound.

That makes sense, I was just initially surprised to see the varying levels of color change between the two.  Thank you.

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SYM, are you using the "Plus" version of the competitors stuff? I don't know what the difference is but maybe a call to their HQ might net a response?


Regardless I'm with you, DWC does all the wheel cleaning/iron cutting I need at half the price (especially since the 16/gallon price reduction) so I'm sticking with DWC, and like DvK said, the scent is actually halfway bearable with DWC, whereas the first time I used Full Effect I thought I died in a women's hair salon.

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SYM, are you using the "Plus" version of the competitors stuff? I don't know what the difference is but maybe a call to their HQ might net a response?

Regardless I'm with you, DWC does all the wheel cleaning/iron cutting I need at half the price (especially since the 16/gallon price reduction) so I'm sticking with DWC, and like DvK said, the scent is actually halfway bearable with DWC, whereas the first time I used Full Effect I thought I died in a women's hair salon.

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Hi Matt, here's the kicker:  On the VW, the metallic brake pad content is low.  The metal content is higher on different pads, but the brakes on some economy cars like the high MPG cars, say your VW, might have less metal content. 


My wife's Honday Odyssey also has relatively low metallic content in the brake pads, and barely changes color.


Usually VW uses a heavy metalic pad, not quite as bad as BMW pads though. They have probably been changed out for a ceramic pad with less dust, or even just a cheaper brake pad in general that is non-metalic.

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SYM, are you using the "Plus" version of the competitors stuff? I don't know what the difference is but maybe a call to their HQ might net a response?



Other stuff is IX


Guys... you don't need to speak in code. You are free and clear to mention other products, we just ask that you don't provide links or do 'marketing/review' type posts in excess.

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No problem Dylan just trying to be respectful lol! As I mentioned above I happen to love DWC the best because it cleans as well and is priced in half.


To SYM, I used to buy Iron X (way too expensive now though, but back then it was the only game in town) and you're right it's probably something in the formulation, maybe because it's more of a clear liquid while DWC is light red?

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