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Cool video shot (mostly) right here in Colorado. 


The guy took a 1 second video, every single day, for all 9 months of his wifes pregnancy. Might be getting sappy because my little girl is only 2 months away from coming into the world, but I thought it was a great vid. Also shows just how gorgeous a place we live in going thru the seasons. 



Edited by Dylan@Adams
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I can't watch it right now because of the firewall at work, but I've seen similar videos and they're pretty cool. I like the idea of doing that, plus there's an ad that Google did to tout their products. A guy created his kid a Gmail account and sent her periodic emails with pictures (uploaded to Picasa of course), videos (YouTube), and a few others items. She was only a few years old at the time, but his idea was to do it throughout her childhood and hand the account login over to her after she turned 18. I'm man enough to say that it teared me up.

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Congratulations Dylan.  I remember that when my wife was pregnant it seemed like time passed so slow. Then once the kids were born, time raced. Now they're both off on their own and I'm a grandpa and I don't know where the time went. Wish we could all bookmark our lives and our kids lives with a one second video of every day to look back at on those days when being alone isn't always so great.

Thanks for sharing.

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I've NEVER been accused of being sappy, Dylan.  That's good stuff!  Reminds me of when my better half was pregnant with our son 16+ years ago.  Not sure I'd have posted it on the Internet, but I do wish digital photo/video capabilities had been better at the time.

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Is your daughter going to be your first? I've got two little munchkins myself. My son just turned five and my daughter will be four in November. Seems like last week they were both these chunkie little rollie pollies in diapers, crawling all over the place, drooling nonstop, and making my heart stop every time they'd wrap their little fat hands around my finger. The time goes by way too fast.

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