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Am I the ONLY One......



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Some people, you could probly tell them that paint stripper would give them the most outrageous shine imaginable and they would all say, "I never thought of that, I'll have to give that a try".

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Going out right now to get some lemon pledge.....and I'll probably just cut up and old ratty dirty tshirt to use with it as a rag like we did in the house to dust furniture when I was younger.  About to get the ULTIMATE shine......


:blink:  :blink: Are they serious?

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I think this ties in with the thread Dylan started about the terrible details you see on the cars on TV.  What most people call "shiny" may very well  have a ton of swirls or holograms.  Unless you point it out to them or compare it with a properly detailed finish side by side, most people will never see the difference.  Ignorance is bliss.

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I also am a member of that Forum, and am not surprised at what some people will use on their prize possesions. Once I even saw a guy spraying WD-40 on a late model Trans Am at a local car show, just had to walk away shaking my head.  :lolsmack:

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I'm not surprised at all. This I promise you is the GODS truth, here in the bayous of south Louisiana there are tons of people who wipe there cars down with diesel fuel !!!!!!!!! They swear by it. I have always wondered what would happen if you were going perhaps to a wedding and rubbed your pants against your car. WOW, YOU WOULD SMELL LIKE A TRUCK STOP,,,,,,LOL. Once again, this is the truth. I can go to the store and smell a car 20 yards away.



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Yesterday at Bloomington Gold, I was out taking pictures and I walked up to a woman wiping down a British Racing Green '68 with an unknown clear substance in a clear spray bottle.


I snapped a few pictures, then asked her what she was using in the bottle.  She got right in my personal space and whispered to me, like she was sharing a national secret with me, that it was tap water mixed with 6 drops of BABY OIL.


The look on my face must have been priceless, because she looked at me and said "don't you use baby oil on your cars?"


I ran back to the tent, grabbed a sample of DS, and gave it to her.  Hopefully she used it and liked it, but I'm afraid some people just can't be helped!

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I love how everyone in that forum talks about how it is so much cheaper than other detail sprays too.


Just doing some basic math, it really isn't. $46 per gallon of pledge...



So, does anyone know of a furniture forum that I can talk about how I use my Adams products instead of Pledge?

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