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SVRT looks smeared after rain



I am completely new to this, so I am 99% sure it is something that I am doing wrong. I corrected my wifes truck and after it rained, everywhere that I applied SVRT seemed to streak and run down the side of the truck...under all the windows and trim there is residue...did I apply too much? What am I doing wrong?

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Typically caused by using too much or not removing previous dressings that might have contained silicone. 


There are some oddball materials out there (certain plastics on the F150 for example) that it simply won't stick to. 


Next time you apply give all the trim a good scrub with APC and a towel. Apply the SVRT, then come back over it with a dry towel to knock off any excess and you should be good. 


The nice part is, even in cases like this where it does run... because its water based it easily wipes off with a towel and some waterless or detail spray. 

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Sounds like too much. Remember, hard plastic trim pieces are not going to absorb the product like tires or weatherstripping will, so pretty much all of the product will be sitting on top of the trim. Next time, simply go over the area with a clean MF towel after applying the SVRT to even it out and knock off any excess.


Less is more!

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OK one more question...the rear bumper section on my mother in laws 2001 4Runner is faded as can be...I didn't get anywhere with SVRT, so should i try to simple green it and then use it, or is it possibly just too far gone to fix?




that's what it looks like...stole the image off the nets

Edited by DirtyBlackHoe
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Try what Dylan suggested on the bumper also...I have seen some plastics like Dylan mentioned that it will not apply evenly, will continually soak it up or will just lay on the surface.  It's a great product, but it's not 100% affective on everything, at least thats been my experience.  Brian, no need to use simple green, APC will do the trick. 

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