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How do you like the new forum?


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I love everything but for the ONE THING I HATE.


The default Mobile site loading on my iPad or iPhone annoys the hell out of me.


I never use anything but Photobucket for write ups so I don't have an issue there.  I would like to see a darker skin option.

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I like it fine. Never really cared for the old version. What I don't like is the lack of page and post numbers on the mobile version but the clean layout of the web version works fine on the phone.

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Honesty, I am not bothered by the new format(s). I use my iPad or iPhone for all posting at the moment and have found each version to work fine for me. Maybe when I do a write up and want to post pictures I will feel differently. Definitely agree with everyone else about wanting a dark background though

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I just wish I didn't have to go outside to get FULL service on my cell to access the web page. I could always access it via Tapatalk even with one bar.  So I hardly ever get online unless I am on a break at work. :(


But I do like it on the PC. 

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Dylan, I sent you an email too.  Something is wrong when you reply to a topic in the quick post box below the last post of a thread.  It doesn't act like it took the post, but when you refresh the screen manually, it shows up.  





Yep, did it on this post too! 

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Tapatalk - DEAD. 


They blame IP board, IP board blames them... I spent way too much time screwing with it to make it worth the trouble. 


We have a perfectly functional mobile skin and tapatalk has been buggy on every single version of forum I've used it. If you want TT we are not your forum. Sorry to disappoint, but thats the end of it. 

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I appreciate you trying Dylan. I thought it was just not an option. I just can't be a forum stalker like I used to be...at least not until I get internet at home and that will be end of next summer.  :willy:  Half of the time the security system here at work doesn't let me reply to messages so it's a trying time for me to be social on here.


However, I will just have to get on here when I can and stalk yall in person at shows and stuff! :)

Edited by StormChaser
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So I'm obviously fresh off the short bus on this one . . . but is there no longer a way to subscribe to threads easily?  I can "follow this thread" but when I come to the forum I haven't found an easy way to navigate directly back to the thread I selected to follow . . . I had a nice selection of subscriptions on the old forum and have been avoiding the new forum because I haven't wanted to try to find them over again.


I'd appreciate any help, thanks guys!


The site does look slick though . . . 

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So I'm obviously fresh off the short bus on this one . . . but is there no longer a way to subscribe to threads easily?  I can "follow this thread" but when I come to the forum I haven't found an easy way to navigate directly back to the thread I selected to follow . . . I had a nice selection of subscriptions on the old forum and have been avoiding the new forum because I haven't wanted to try to find them over again.

If you click on your username in the upper right corner of the forum (along the black bar), there will be a link in the drop-down menu called "Content I Follow" which will show you everything you are subscribed to.

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If you click on your username in the upper right corner of the forum (along the black bar), there will be a link in the drop-down menu called "Content I Follow" which will show you everything you are subscribed to.


AWESOME!!!  So easy . . . I feel like a nub!  Much appreciated!

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  • 4 months later...

I like the old version better. 


Don't get me wrong, some of the features are nice on the new"er" version..but for some reason I dont' get the same sense of a closeness to the members and the community anymore.  I can't quite put my finger on why.  Maybe I'm just getting bored of it all IDK.  Anyone else feel the same way, or am I just getting old :)

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Honestly enjoyed the other better, but I have adjusted. I did seem to spend more time here and post more pictures before than I do now.... Doesn't seem as personal as before to me. Not saying this to be a whiner or be negative, just my personal opinion.

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