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New & Old Polishes and Pads



This is more of a concern rather than a question...


  1. I have brand new bottle (never opened) Swirl and Haze Remover and Fine Machine Polish. The pads usually don't last as long as the bottle does. So will the new pads be able to be used with SHR & FMP? (Assuming eventually the foam wont be made any more)
  2. I also have a brand new bottle and half a bottle of Severe Swirl Remover, how long will the Green Pads continue to be made to cater to people in this same situation?


I only ask because some people that buy Adam's can't afford to be spending a ton of money to stock up on old pads. You could buy too little and be left with useless product that you can't use or buy a ton and have pads that aren't very compatible with what is being made at that time.


New products are great but discontinuing stuff is kind of scary.


I'm not trying to be a pain but I'm a little concerned for my wallet along with others.

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It's very understandable to be concerned, after all most of the people on here have spent money on the current green pads and polishes that will be out the door.


The way i see it is why wouldn't we be able to use the old polishes with the new pads? It won't ruin anything, but it may not be as effective at removing defects as the new products.


Second, as far as the green pad goes, when the day comes that Adam's no longer sells the pads they will still offer the orange and white foam pads. Im sure people have used SSR with an orange pad and got decent results. Sometimes we just have to work with what we have ya know?


I don't have the answers to everything but sometimes you just have to adapt to newcomings. Im sure they have plenty of green pads left & will most likely show up on the clearance section online. Like i said i don't know much im just going by what i believe and notice from being here. Hope this helps!

Edited by billabongbum
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They're still going to offer Orange and White Foam pads along with the MF pads.  You'll be fine Jason.  Since you already have a bottle of SHR and FMP I would just pick up a bottle of the new Correcting Polish and a set of the MF pads.  You should easily be able to do anything you need with that combo and what you have.  The SHR and FMP will finish out from the Correcting Polish.

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Of course it will work. Honestly try not to over think this, it's still polish and it will work on any pad.

That's one of the reasons why I dont stock up on more product than I need, especially when your a weekend warrior. It just goes bad or gets updated. The time to be worried about your wallet was when you bought a bunch of extra polish, lol ;)

Edited by camaro2ssblack
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I'm happy Adam is coming out with new products because I had no success with the old stuff, my bottles are full, well just the SSHR and SHR.

I won't throw it away, I'll try and find a use for them, like maybe polish my glass with it to make them shine some.

I truly understand your concerns , like wow, all that money down the drain.
Most companies don't discontinue products, they just add to their line.
I'm thinking it's being discontinued be some just don't get the results they are looking for, like myself.

Why else would you take them off of your product line if it works well and selling tons of it?

Adam is going for better!

I may just give it to someone to practice with being it have much of a cut, yeah, that's what I'll do:)


Edited by MrHot88
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I'm happy Adam is coming out with new products because I had no success with the old stuff, my bottles are full, well just the SSHR and SHR.


I won't throw it away, I'll try and find a use for them, like maybe polish my glass with it to make them shine some.


I truly understand your concerns , like wow, all that money down the drain.

Most companies don't discontinue products, they just add to their line.

I'm thinking it's be discontinued be some just don't get the results they are looking for, like myself.


I may just give it to someone to practice with being it have much of a cut, yeah, that's what I'll do:)



How did you never have success with the other stuff? Hundreds of people on the forum show their 50/50 shots every day.

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How did you never have success with the other stuff? Hundreds of people on the forum show their 50/50 shots every day.

Just didn't, yes I've read some have, also read some didn't.

same as the guy here with the new truck, just had no success.


Keep in mind, I do cars for others that aren't in the shape of our cars.

Two others guys here with Camero's, without luck also , so you see it's not just me.


But that's old news now with the new stuff coming.

I'm working on an 06' Ford F-150. if I didn't have my compound that i have I'd have a very difficult time in remove them.

I want perfection but don't want to spend all day on 2-3 panels.



One of the Camero guys here tried and tired to get them off,it took him all day to get the hood right with the SSHR, I dont have that kind of time, I removed them with only a few passes and were GONE!

Hoping Adam's new stuff works the same.



50-50 shots are nice to look at, I post them myself but who knows what they used to get those results.

Edited by MrHot88
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Bad news guys... if you put Severe Swirl Remover on a microfiber pad it creates a disturbance in the fabric of time and will end the world as we know it. We tested the combo as part of a top secret space mission on mars... luckily the coverup has everyone fooled into thinking its still there, but when everyone finds out that the red planet was sucked into a vacuum of nothingness b/c we mixed SSR and microfiber pads they won't try it here! 






Don't stress too much about this stuff. SSR will work with the new pads, it will work with the old pads, it will work with other companies pads if it has to. Will the results be consistent across all of them? NOPE. 


Will they work for the general purpose of removing swirl marks. YEP! To some degree or another they will work. 

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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Just because something is new doesn't mean it's better. I too never cared for the old polishes and I don't really care for the gen 4 pads. Everyone has different tastes, methods and standards but eventually you find what works for you or the different clear coats.

I say if you order the new system who's to say you'll like it? You may like the foam pads better as they are more durable than the mf pads, I used mf pads for a while some last and some seperated. If something worked yesterday it will work tomorrow and why not just try the new polishes with the old pads too see if it works for you? Op I'm with you I watch my money and don't want to shell it out needlessly so eventually your pads will wear out and the polish will be gone so worry about it then and just go out in the garage and have fun by that time there will be plenty of feedback on the new system and I bet you'll be excited to try it.

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vobro makes a good point. 


We went thru this entire deal with DS was revamped a little ways back. "OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO WITH MY OLD DETAIL SPRAY!!"


The release of a new system doesn't instantly render the old version useless. If you didn't know about the new one and were still happy with the performance of what you have, then theres no reason you jump ship. Stick with what you have. Use it up as you can, and move to the new system as needs/money permit. 

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vobro makes a good point. 


We went thru this entire deal with DS was revamped a little ways back. "OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO WITH MY OLD DETAIL SPRAY!!"


The release of a new system doesn't instantly render the old version useless. If you didn't know about the new one and were still happy with the performance of what you have, then theres no reason you jump ship. Stick with what you have. Use it up as you can, and move to the new system as needs/money permit. 


I, for one, am happy with the "old" stuff.  I'm quite content using what I have on-hand and making the shift after its been applied to my vehicles.  If you "don't know what to do" with yours, drop me a PM.  I'm willing to pay shipping cost to send new & unopened bottles/pads my way...

Edited by Norton
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vobro makes a good point. 


We went thru this entire deal with DS was revamped a little ways back. "OH MY GOD! WHAT DO I DO WITH MY OLD DETAIL SPRAY!!"


The release of a new system doesn't instantly render the old version useless. If you didn't know about the new one and were still happy with the performance of what you have, then theres no reason you jump ship. Stick with what you have. Use it up as you can, and move to the new system as needs/money permit. 

Same thing with the reformulated VRT right? I still had half a gallon of the old stuff. It still worked, obviously, so I used it up on tires and weatherstrip - any rubber that was porous and could absorb the product. In that time, I only used the new stuff on hard plastic trim or anywhere where it was more of a "coating" and I absolutely needed the water repellent feature. Needless to say the old stuff was still able to serve its purpose.


Unless there are secret self-destruct chips in all the old bottles which turn everything to water once they detect new product releases  :jester:

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