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I'm still getting a lot of busted links on the gallery page.  I don't know if it effects anyone else...


Also - somehow I umpoaded the same photo twice to the gallery.  Can I delete one of them?  Can't find a delete option....



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I'm still getting a lot of busted links on the gallery page.  I don't know if it effects anyone else...


Also - somehow I umpoaded the same photo twice to the gallery.  Can I delete one of them?  Can't find a delete option....


attachicon.gifBusted Links.jpg




I deleted it! 

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When I visit adamsforums.com I am redirected to this page. 


I clicked "board rules", and was able to access "new posts".  Kind of a backdoor way in...

The forums are on a new server with a new IP address, the results of which can take some time to propagate throughout the internet. For example, adamsforums.com gives me an error page, but adamsforums.com/index.php does not. Completely defies logic but that is just what happens during a server move. It will fix itself eventually. For the first few hours after the switch I couldn't get on at all.



As far as broken images (like the < > buttons in the gallery) and anything else besides a forum setting, I can't fix as I don't have server access. I'm only offering my help to Dylan and the team to straighten out some of the accessibility settings and such since I am familiar with Invision forums. Their actual webmaster will need to address some of the other issues.

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Gerry thank you for helping to get us dialed here.  I see little things happening to improve the move happening a bunch, and it makes this place THAT much better.


To everyone else...change isn't easy, especially with a Forum as large as ours.  Bear with us while we work out all the kinks, and fine tune how we want it to look.  This is a GOOD thing for everyone!



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I think this is MUCH better than before :rockon:  Only suggestion would be to possibly open the forums of the same page as the adam's website instead of opening a new tab. Also i think the mobile version (iPhone 5) has a little issue where the 'email us' button in the toolbar (next to 'dealers') is in a new line

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Well - I was able to change my profile photo on my office computer but then I decided I wanted to change it again. Big mistake. Now it won't work again.

Same thing - nothing happens.


Here's the photo I want to use if you can make it work. Thanks.


BTW:  I tried to message GerryC but that didn't work either.  Said he couldn't receive messages.

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Not trying to beat the horse - just trying to help....


I tried it again on a 3rd PC and it worked fine.  Strange.  I don't know if something is getting "set" or what.....

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Guest admin

Thanks for your patience everyone. The bugs are being worked out and I get that change is scary, but trust me when I say that once you get accustomed to the new layout you'll be very happy. The features, design, and function are all largely work in progress... as we see needs/concerns/issues we'll address them. 

This new hosted solution ensures much more reliable uptime, much faster response to upgrades and changes. Its also much more secure and customizable than our previous board was. Those suggesting we go back, sorry... that won't be happening, but spend some time here and help us transform what AF is to suit you better and you might find you like this one better. 


I can't click on anything that deals with my account in the black bar at the top. When I first got on I couldn't click sign in, I actually logged on by getting a message I wasn't able to access something and it gave me a link to click on to log in. Now I can't click on my username that shows up in the black bar...

This is on my iPhone under the full site, btw.


We are working out the interface bugs on mobile devices. Stay tuned. 


This will take some getting used to.


Honestly I loved vBulletin.


I already miss the "My Posts" hot link at the top bar, used to click it all the time to see if anyone responded to my posts.


I also really wish there were custom skins available  I have a dark charcoal/black skin for gmfullsize.com and it helps so much with my eyes when I read the forums in bed at night. White backgrounds kill my eyes at night in the dark. 


Just some constructive criticism 


On the "my post" link, users can go to their profile and select "my content" and then view by many options on the left as well. We are looking at putting a MY POSTS button at the top that would essentially be a customized 'macro search' for lack of a better term.

Once we get this skin fully configured we are going to offer a "NIGHT TIME" theme that will be dark background with lighter text for using the forum in the dark. When we initially set out to do the skin, the dark theme was going to be the first one, but too many testers complained it was hard on their eyes. Can't please everyone. We'll get the dark theme up as soon as we get all the kinks of the new board worked out. 



Unable to log on with either Waterfox or Firefox latest version. I had to blow the cobwebs off of Explorer and fire it up to get on. Now I feel dirty...


We are trying to recreate this issue. I have both browsers open and can open and navigate fine. We will continue to look at it and let you know what we find. 



:huh: I like the looks of the new forum, but it type seems really large and seems to take a lot more space then normal.  Maybe it's just me, but the type could be a bit smaller.



You can change the font size on your monitor easily. On mac for example command+ and command- will enlarge/shrink font respectively on pretty much any webpage. 


Missing some of the old Emoticons. They were fun to use


They should be there now. We will be adding more too. 


And as a result we now have to go through twice as many pages to read a thread...  Oh well, I'm sure there are some that like this new setup.  In time I suppose I'll get used to it.


In terms of linking specific parts of threads it makes sense, but I agree... I like to have a ton of posts per page. We will work on a solution for this.... even if it means setting the default higher. 

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I was able to sign in using the back door mentioned above. I couldn't enter the lounge until I was presented with the option to sign in. I am now signed in but the black bar at the top is still dead to Firefox/Waterfox. Of course Explorer/Android browsers both work fine...


I'll be patient and wait this out.  :cool:

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We are trying to recreate this issue. I have both browsers open and can open and navigate fine. We will continue to look at it and let you know what we find.



The sign in at top of page still won't work for me with firefox. I've tried deleting and dropping another cookie but still won't work. The sign in/register buttons are both dead. You can't click on them with firefox






Edited by hoss
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Agreed, the mobile skin for IPB is pretty fluid.


it is pretty good. Like most issues in IT, if you cannot see the mobile version, then clear cache and history and then refresh the page. Did it on my iPhone 5 and now i can see the mobile version.  Unfortunately, the link to go back to the mobile version after accessing the full site does nothing. have to clear the cache again...

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I don't think getting to the settings page for notifications is the problem.  The problem is having the settings work the way you want.  I, too, get multiple notification emails from the same thread.  The old system just sent one email per thread until I visited the forum again.  Either the notification settings page is unclear or this feature isn't working correctly.


It's not a big deal, though, if this is the way it works now.  Not hard to delete a few emails.

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I'm not sure, either.  It's entirely possible I just don't understand the available choices:


I have my preferences set to:  Notation Frequency - Offline


All of the "Topics and Posts" checks are checked for EMAIL except the last one for "likes".


Shouldn't that just give me one email per thread while I'm offline?

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Hey, the forum seems to be working correctly on my iPad now. Thanks!




Does the notification button work Rich?  Last night it and the messenger button were dead on the iPad.  


Also, when I quote someone, it automatically stick the cursor in the quote box.  Gerry, is there a fix for that?  

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Does the notification button work Rich?  Last night it and the messenger button were dead on the iPad.  




Yes, both are working for me on my iPad. I did notice that the emoticons still don't seem to be available on the iPad, though. Or do I need to do something to activate the menu for them?

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