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Marketplace Fairness Act........

Mark L

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Feel free to move to my not so great home state of Delaware, no sales tax. I thought this was already happening though as I have accepted shipments for friends in PA and MD to avoid paying tax. Maybe they made the purchase in a brick and mortar store and had the purchase shipped rather than picking it up.

Edited by 09G8GT
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I agree with Mark. It's not about paying our "fair" share of taxes, that's not the problem. Do all you guys claiming it's a good thing know where your money is going? Paying off China. Do you think the government is setting side some sort of "savings" account to pay off China? The tax's will go into the great black hole of government spending....once you break the seal, and set the precedence, you are done/game over. The tax will do nothing but go up from here and get earmarked to death. In California, most likely pay for black hole programs that aren't affectively managed anyway.


Example....Vehicle Registration Fee's.

The average fee is $165 x 31,249,524 vehicles. That's $5,156,171,460 per year in vehicle registration fee's!!!! http://dmv.ca.gov/about/profile/official.pdf Guess what, California is still BROKE. At some point, I'm sure someone said "I'm all for raising the registration fee's/tax, it goes for good things". Sorry, this theory doesn't hold any water when Uncle Sugar doesn't know how to spend the money affectively.


Mark's anger is understood, his city is the largest city in US history to ever declared bankrupcy, I thouroughly understand the frustration in this state.


Don't get me started on Major Companies raking in BILLIONS that pay no tax's.

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As a resident of a state with no sales tax, but a state payroll tax, Im all for it as well. People in sales tax states actually get a break on taxes. You only get taxed on what you spend. Not your rent, or money you put in savings, etc. Me, I get a huge chunk taken out of every damn check by the state; taxed on ALL my income, not just what I spend. Then I watch as people from Washington state come over the border to Portland and buy buy buy with no sales tax, saving them HUGE money. Kinda pisses me off. I dont agree with how the government spends the funds, but everyone needs to put in their fair share.

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As a brick and mortar business owner and an American that believes we need to pay off our debt to China so we can be our own country, I support taxing internet sales. I'd like to see it more as a flat tax (3-5%) across the board to make it easier for companies to charge it, but we need to get the money somewhere and it doesn't seem right that companies are allowed to sell on the internet and not charge tax. The tax exemption was supposed to be temporary to help internet based businesses get a foot hold. I think they've got it now. It's time for the government to get a little something.





Some facts...first off, yes China is biggest Foreign holder of US debt...but guess who is the biggest holder overall? You and me (Social Security trust fund)! Its not like China "owns" the country because of the debt they hold.


Who Owns Most of the US National Debt


As for taxing out of state, I thought this was settled already:


U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states can't force businesses elsewhere to collect those taxes unless the company has a physical presence in that state - such as a physical retail store or an office. Retailers that operate in one or a few states typically collect taxes only for those states and not others.


Read more: What would an online sales tax mean for you? | Fox News


Personally I'd like to see a flat tax (I'd rather see no tax at all) so its easier to collect...


But what I really think is going to happen is that the bigger guys like Walmart.com, Amazon.com and the like are going to lower their prices 5-7% to absorbe the taxes so their customers don't see or feel it. The screwed up thing about that is the guys who are smaller or startups are going to be at a competitive disadvantage because of that....which isn't fair either.

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i hate taxes all together. they may be a necessary evil to keep this country safe and running, but its already out of hand!


and i'm pretty sure Amazon taxes more than just Californian's. when i purchase stuff with my Prime account, i'm taxed the standard Texas sales tax of 8.25%

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i hate taxes all together. they may be a necessary evil to keep this country safe and running, but its already out of hand!


and i'm pretty sure Amazon taxes more than just Californian's. when i purchase stuff with my Prime account, i'm taxed the standard Texas sales tax of 8.25%



I don't hate taxes but I like to pay as little of them as possible. I don't pay taxes on Amazon.com but I do pay on some online orders. Most of the things I buy off Amazon.com are not available in my area stores.

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I get why its happening, I don't like it, but it is what it is. At this point in my life I've given up fighting things like this because there are far more influential people, with far more money, and friends in higher places with agendas at odds with my own. I'm just along for the ride anymore - a lifetime in California has left me generally jaded about the political process as a whole.


If politicians want more money and can come up with a way to generate a new stream of tax revenue they're going to do it. I got hit with what amounted to an 'exit tax' for leaving CA... that in and of itself should be criminal, but I don't have the time, resources, or ability to fight it.

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I get why its happening, I don't like it, but it is what it is. At this point in my life I've given up fighting things like this because there are far more influential people, with far more money, and friends in higher places with agendas at odds with my own. I'm just along for the ride anymore - a lifetime in California has left me generally jaded about the political process as a whole.


If politicians want more money and can come up with a way to generate a new stream of tax revenue they're going to do it. I got hit with what amounted to an 'exit tax' for leaving CA... that in and of itself should be criminal, but I don't have the time, resources, or ability to fight it.



Looks like you had the stay and pay or leave and pay option. Yes, it should be criminal. :confused:

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Im sorry I cannot see paying additional taxes when nothing happens with our money ..it all goes to foolish spending and China.


The perfect example is the overrated state I live in.. Look how small it is.. we have a ton of wealth in our state but we are still broke.

This DB governor that was elected raised taxes to its highest levels in our history.. we already had very high taxes but this but head decided it wasn't good enough and hit us again. Well guess what.. this POS is now saying we still do not have enough money.. that's because this jerk spends more $$ than what the state brings in so now he is pushing for another huge tax increase.


I just worn people out there stay away from Connecticut.. the state is no good for business and the cost of living is out of control.


My friends wonder why I hate the government so much ..this is a perfect example.

Plus the fact we have a tax and spend leadership in the White House that is killing us as a whole doesn't help.

Do not get me wrong ..I Love my country and take a lot of pride in it but when it comes to our government .. I despise them!

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Guest Gone & Forgotten

Wonder if it will be the full local or just state part.


I buy off iTunes.. 5¢ on the dollar


Local sales tax is 8%. (That's with a state income tax... Alabama sucks.. And no lotto)


So... Seems sales tax for online purchases (Adams for instance) for me will be 5% rather than the 8% local rate.

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I agree with Mark. It's not about paying our "fair" share of taxes, that's not the problem. Do all you guys claiming it's a good thing know where your money is going? Paying off China. Do you think the government is setting side some sort of "savings" account to pay off China? The tax's will go into the great black hole of government spending....once you break the seal, and set the precedence, you are done/game over. The tax will do nothing but go up from here and get earmarked to death. In California, most likely pay for black hole programs that aren't affectively managed anyway.


Example....Vehicle Registration Fee's.

The average fee is $165 x 31,249,524 vehicles. That's $5,156,171,460 per year in vehicle registration fee's!!!! http://dmv.ca.gov/about/profile/official.pdf Guess what, California is still BROKE. At some point, I'm sure someone said "I'm all for raising the registration fee's/tax, it goes for good things". Sorry, this theory doesn't hold any water when Uncle Sugar doesn't know how to spend the money affectively.


Mark's anger is understood, his city is the largest city in US history to ever declared bankrupcy, I thouroughly understand the frustration in this state.


Don't get me started on Major Companies raking in BILLIONS that pay no tax's.


Yeah my city filed bankruptcy last year and it REALLY hit home for my family.


My Dad's a retired Police Lieutenant and put in 30 years of service from 1973-2002. When he retired, the city had lifetime health insurance for him and my mom. This was a benefit he paid into and earned over 30  years. Well long story short, the city didn't put away money to honor this benefit and insisted on spending millions on it's "Downtown Renovation" project. No one wants to go downton, it's the bad part of the city, yet from 2004-2008, the city council spent millions upon millions of dollars building a new downtown arena, new minor league baseball park, as well as commercial real estate covering a new movie theatre and restaurants. 


They didn't put money away for retiree health benefits. When the **** finally hit the fan, they took away all health benefits from all city workers last summer. It was pretty intense at the city council meeting last July, as there were retired Police and Firemen who have now developed cancer and health problems of all kind due to the nature of their jobs. One guy had brain cancer and gave an emotional testimony begging the council not to declare bankruptcy, in went to deaf ears.


Oh, forgot to mention, the idiots on the council at the time paid Neil Diamond $1M to "christen" the new downtown arena...... no joke.


It's this kind of fiscal irresponsibility that drives me nuts.


Taxes are a necessity of life, but when the money is continually misspent, it's just a losing battle over and over. 

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