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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Filthy Horse


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Good work! :cool:


Thank you!


That's some nice work Josh. :bow: I love to see a turn around like that. That paint was trashed.:willy:


Thanks man! I love to see it too, the minute I picked it up I got excited cause I knew the 50/50s I was going to be able to get. Actually had more but left my DSLR at my place and I had to do the work at my moms house, so worked with her camera and wasnt familiar with all the settings and messed a few up. Oh well, got a few good ones that really show and thats what matters! Hey man hows your space going btw? I remember that thread back in feb about it, making progress?

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What a turnaround. Nice Job Done there!!!


Thanks man!


WOW, awesome job.......Looks like a new car. He should be impressed.


Thanks alot, really does look new! pictures look great but in person it was pretty striking how much it actually turned around. :thumbsup:

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