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I hate rain!!!!


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Tempted by the sun and warm weather this week I decided to take the cover off the mustang and take it out a week earlier than usual. I figured I would get it out of the garage and give it a wash and clay so I could start correcting the paint for the first time with all my new Adams stuff to get it ready for next week.


I took it out around 12pm. Started up perfectly after sitting for 6 months. It was a nice day, a little cool but not too bad and a few clouds (still mostly sun though), the weather report was showing 30% chance of rain.


That turned out to be 100% chance 3 hours later just as I finished drying, I went inside for a few minutes to grab my blaster sidekick to get the last bit off water off. I came back outside and could have started crying! The rain was pouring down on my once dry and freshly washed car :(:(:(:(


I hate rain!!!

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I hate snow more!


that sucks man.. I feel for ya.

I did the same with my G8 this year.. it was sunny out and figured I will take it to work one night because it was clear.. the weather girl said it will be a crisp clear evening. So the G8 came out and the next morning I was told by a fellow worker ..why the ---- did you take the G8 to work .. it snowed last night. Sure enough the weather idiots were wrong again and it snowed about an inch. By the time I left for work it was all melted but still .. I despise snow!

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