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Digging Out Of The Snow


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What a storm we had! I know you all were worried sick about me so I am glad to report I'm doing fine :D


I was up at 6am to begin digging out of the snow here. Our streets were never plowed which made things even worse. It's hard to really say but there was at least 2 1/2 to 3 feet of snow here and most of it was due to the wind we got. Thankfully I live on the corner of our street so I was able to make enough to room to get my truck out to the main road which was plowed. After 5 hours snow blowing my house I loaded up the snow blower in the truck and made it around the block to begin digging my friend out. Once that house was done we headed over to one more friends house to dig him out as well. After all was done I finally made it back home around 6pm to relax by a fire.


A few pics.. .


Notice how much snow was in the bed of the truck here!








Here is my wife's Subaru!





And the 50/50 shot



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What's crazy is our street still isn't plowed. I am the only one on my street who can access anything in our town...even though absolutely nothing is open. Even the Greeks couldn't open their diners here.


And BTW the new truck handled like a freaking rock in all of the travels I had to make in this today!

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What's crazy is our street still isn't plowed. I am the only one on my street who can access anything in our town...even though absolutely nothing is open. Even the Greeks couldn't open their diners here.


This reminds me of our blizzard in 2011. We all dug out the driveways but the plows/end loaders did not come until the next day.


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Wow that's crazy!! Do you just set the snow blower on top and work your way down?


You work your way from the bottom and allow the top to collapse then reverse and start all over.


Keep in mind, I'm a Southern California boy...born and raised. This is the worse snow in the 11 years I've lived here.


A few neighbors said this was worse than the 78 storm.

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The worst winter I remember was January of 1993. I remember coming home late on New Years Eve. And it was too warm for winter. Woke up and had like 2 feet of snow. And then it seemed like it snowed every day for the month of January. Residential streets were reduced to one lanes. If someone was coming the other way, you had to duck into someones driveway. People that were dumb enough to leave their cars on the road they were getting taken out by the plows cause they couldn't see them. Roofs were collapsing. I found this and copied and pasted it from another site. One thing that I might add, the airport is where they keep track of snow and it is usually less than the surrounding areas.


1993: A whopping 23.3 inches of snow fell at Salt Lake City International Airport, the greatest single storm total, between Jan 6-10. For the month of January, 50.3 inches of snow fell, an all time monthly record.

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Here some advise that is too late to help this time. I usually shovel about 5 feet into the street for 10-15 feet before my drive way. That keeps all or at least most of the snow from clogging my drive way when the truck come through.

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Here some advise that is too late to help this time. I usually shovel about 5 feet into the street for 10-15 feet before my drive way. That keeps all or at least most of the snow from clogging my drive way when the truck come through.


Great tip. I've done this before. Neighbor asked me why and didn't think it would work. When he had huge chunks of ice/snow to move from the end of his driveway after the plow came through and I didn't, he saw that it works.

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John it was crazy out there Friday. I think our towns were one of the worse hit. 36"

I had 5 foot snow drifts on my garage I had to shovel off. My back is spent now.

My chiropractor will be a rich man from me alone.


The plows finally came last night just in time for me to go to work.

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Our street finally got cleared yesterday evening. No plows though. The guy told me the plow trucks don't stand a chance removing this much snow. So they had two front loaders and a huge semi to remove everything. They filled up the trailer on the semi pretty quick. From there they just dumped all the snow in this small field across from my house.


When they finished up I could help myself to build a little staircase in the huge pile of snow in the field. I worked my way to the top, cracked open a beer and enjoyed the view! :2thumbs:

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Our street finally got cleared yesterday evening. No plows though. The guy told me the plow trucks don't stand a chance removing this much snow. So they had two front loaders and a huge semi to remove everything. They filled up the trailer on the semi pretty quick. From there they just dumped all the snow in this small field across from my house.


When they finished up I could help myself to build a little staircase in the huge pile of snow in the field. I worked my way to the top, cracked open a beer and enjoyed the view! :2thumbs:

What, no picture from the top of the pile? :jester:

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