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TONS of life changes lately....something BIG in the works.....


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Man o man.....

I'll just get right down to business here baby!! :help:

The wife is pregnant. 26 weeks. All is well, it's a boy. Name will be Levi Mason. His right foot is clubbed (angled) but nothing we can't fix with some bracing after delivery!! This our first child and I'm stooooooooooooooked!! He's growing strong, all is healthy, and I cannot wait!! WHHHOOOOOHOOOOO baby!!


I've made a very long, stressful, difficult, emotional decision.......I'm resigning from my 15+ career and a BIG paycheck, because I've fought with my heart for a year, and I'm simply NOT happy. Some things have changed greatly within the company, and within my heart. I simply can't do it anymore.


I've decided, and been planning and prepping over the course of the past 6 months with my business plan. I'm going into business for myself. Instead of typing everything and boring you, I'll let this comprehensive link explain it all.....


insanepaintdetailing.com - Home


In preparation for all of this. We've traded in BOTH Jeeps (Wrangler & SRT Cherokee). Wifey got a new Ford Fusion Titanium, and I got a new DD in a new 2013 Ford Taurus SHO. I'm not gonna sit here and explain all the reasons, because if you've been paying attention to the context of this thread, then you understand, lol. I WILL SAY, the only reason we didn't trade for more Mopar, was due to: the deals we got on these, the fit & finish & technology of these rides, the amount of CAR FOR THE $$$, nothing in these classes within these price ranges measured up (GM, Mopar, etc.), or either I didn't like the styles. The SHO is on my website.


I'm pretty sure that's all for now. I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm uncertain what the future holds. But my family plan, and my business plan are STRONG. If any of you guys in the Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, or Alabama area would like to discuss you're ride being perfectly & flawlessly detailed, just give me a shout!! Sorry for the sappy story y'all. Just wanted to give an update to all the craziness going on in my life. Ready for the future!! smile.png


Hope you enjoyed my new website!!

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Remember, we aren't measured by the chances we are given, rather the ones we take.


I know I've quit a job before to take a chance on something much better. Was I scared? You bet! Things have worked out fine.


Congrats on the boy! Someone to take over the successful family business!

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Congrats on the baby boy Chase! You have made a very tough decision man, and I hope everything goes your way. Just bust your butt every day, and I truly believe you will achieve the success you desire. There will be bumps in the road with the business, but the true measure of a man is how you handle those challenges. I have faith in you, and if you ever need anything, drop a dime.


BTW, the website is awesome man, good work. My only small suggestion, so take it for what it's worth :)...is that you keep an open mind about other compounds and polishes in particular. I say that because there will be paint systems that Adam's won't be aggressive enough with their current line-up. Been there, done that.


Again, good luck man....in everything!

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Remember, we aren't measured by the chances we are given, rather the ones we take.


I know I've quit a job before to take a chance on something much better. Was I scared? You bet! Things have worked out fine.


Congrats on the boy! Someone to take over the successful family business!

Dude. I'm a HUGE fan of that quote!!! You're speaking to my heart right now!!! Thanks a ton.

You got this brotha and I'm a phone call away all the time. :thumbsup:

John, you've been very elemental in my beginnings. I feel like you're a true friend, and we've never even met! Thanks for everything so far man, I know we'll be in touch!

Good luck Chase! I know that was a tough decision. I struggled with it for 6-8 months before finally pulling the trigger.


With your sled being in WoW I have no doubt you'll soon be hiring a helper.


Congrats on the boy. Get ready. You're in for a ride.:thumbsup::cheers:

Thanks big daddy Len. I'm sure I'll be asking for your advice, lol. :bow:

I wish you all the best in this next chapter of your life. Congrats.


Good Luck on your new career. You have a nice looking website.


Congrats on the baby boy Chase! You have made a very tough decision man, and I hope everything goes your way. Just bust your butt every day, and I truly believe you will achieve the success you desire. There will be bumps in the road with the business, but the true measure of a man is how you handle those challenges. I have faith in you, and if you ever need anything, drop a dime.


BTW, the website is awesome man, good work. My only small suggestion, so take it for what it's worth :)...is that you keep an open mind about other compounds and polishes in particular. I say that because there will be paint systems that Adam's won't be aggressive enough with their current line-up. Been there, done that.


Again, good luck man....in everything!

I've been networking like crazy! Thank you so much gentlemen!! GREATLY appreciate the support!! :cheers:

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Chase, I love the tone of your post here! Nice new website, that's beautiful....Congrats on becoming a Dad, (you and I will be celebrating at roughly the same time, ours is due in mid-June.)


Congrats on changing out your profession, congrats on not settling for a vocational reality that stinks, and congrats on getting real with your vehicles. (I'm on a similar path with you there, selling the ZL-1, Escalade, and now driving a more humble set of wheels.)


WHOOHOOOOO!!!!!! Good for you!


I've had a few of these crazy life changes in my 41+ years, and every one of them landed me in a better place.


Keep us posted on progress!



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Chase Congratulations on you and your wife becoming parents.

You need to do what is right for you and your family. Nothing will make you happy more than them! If your happy their happy and that's what counts!


Best of luck in your new endeavors! Im sure you will be quite successful!

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Chase what can I say but hell yeah you were born for this!!!!!! You always have to go with your gut and passion!!!!!!!! This is amazing amazing news !!!!




Good luck the website looks amazing you do amazing corrections it is a win win situation!!!!! I have been through some life changing episodes I was laid off twice in 4 years totally came out of the blue! Had to totally reevaluate my life and health!!!!! I am now at peace now and love what I do for a living. Again you were born for this !!!! Kick some butt brother!!!!!!

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Chase what can I say but hell yeah you were born for this!!!!!! You always have to go with your gut and passion!!!!!!!! This is amazing amazing news !!!!




Good luck the website looks amazing you do amazing corrections it is a win win situation!!!!! I have been through some life changing episodes I was laid off twice in 4 years totally came out of the blue! Had to totally reevaluate my life and health!!!!! I am now at peace now and love what I do for a living. Again you were born for this !!!! Kick some butt brother!!!!!!

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Good luck Chase! You are a brave man to leave the type of paycheck that bought all those toys......especially with a baby on the way!!

My suggestion is similar to Dave's in that you WILL need more aggressive paint correction products in order to complete jobs in a timely manner. Concentrated products would also be a huge money saver.

The website looks great - the only thing I would change is the "SVRT" reference because your customers wont have a clue what that means.


Again best of luck!!!!

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Well good freakin' grief! Thank so incredibly much ya'll!!! WOW. Very appreciative!!


It's definitely a waterfall of feelings that's for SURE. I simply have to connect and get a few jobs going!! Once people drink the koolaid......... :D I just got my LLC setup. Hopefully have my tax ID next week. And my business license the following week. Business cards are done & beautiful (had those 6 months ago, lol), I have the website, working on my Facebook, and I've been networking!!


Y'all diggin' the website??? I'd like opinions there.....

-Does it influence you?

-Does it showcase my work well enough?

-If you saw that website, would you trust me?

-Do my prices seem realistic?

-Easy to navigate & informative?


@camaro2ssblack - I hear ya on both accounts. Noted!!! :)

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Chase a huge congrats on the new baby!! Nothing better in life than bring in a beautiful reminder of how great life really is!!!


The website is great, very professional and a great layout! Most new websites are put together with sticky notes and duck tape and I can't get over the lack of care that went into them. Yours on the other hand, like everything you seem to touch is just perfect! I truly mean that!! I wish you the best of luck with your new job and upcoming new addition to the family! Just don't detail the baby!!



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Well good freakin' grief! Thank so incredibly much ya'll!!! WOW. Very appreciative!!


It's definitely a waterfall of feelings that's for SURE. I simply have to connect and get a few jobs going!! Once people drink the koolaid......... :D I just got my LLC setup. Hopefully have my tax ID next week. And my business license the following week. Business cards are done & beautiful (had those 6 months ago, lol), I have the website, working on my Facebook, and I've been networking!!


Y'all diggin' the website??? I'd like opinions there.....

-Does it influence you?

-Does it showcase my work well enough?

-If you saw that website, would you trust me?

-Do my prices seem realistic?

-Easy to navigate & informative?


@camaro2ssblack - I hear ya on both accounts. Noted!!! :)



On your website:

- I would incorporate your best examples of previous detailing jobs into the pricing sheet. For example, after each package description, insert a link to pictures and a write up of a previous customer who received that very package.

- I would also be careful or more carefully define what you mean by promising a 110% guarantee. Someone could really abuse that if you arent careful. Are you literally going to refund their money and pay them 10% extra if they say they arent happy about every aspect of the detail?

- I would be leary about promising a better finish than a new car. This would go hand in hand with the guarantee part. Customer may be expecting that you are removing every rock chip, blemish, etc.

- I actually think your prices are too low for the high end corrections. Most detailers I know wont touch an abused car for a multi-step correction for less than $500. You must keep in mind that most of the people who buy this package are bringing in something that has been seriously neglected.

- I didnt see anything mentioning headlight restoration. You cant fully restore a car and then leave the headlights dull and hazy.


Just my suggestions and please forgive me if I overlooked anything.

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