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97 Ford Expedition


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Was going to put it in my 'recent details' thread, but this thing is sooo rough it needs it's own thread.


OH boy here goes. 97 Ford Expedition. This is my parents vehicle. It's an extra car and never gets driven. I drove it for a year or 2 as my primary vehicle when they first got it. Then we used it exclusively to tow the boat. Other than that it appears it was used to haul the damn grandkids to the beach and never cleaned up. Frame has some surface rust on it so I'm going to paint that with some rust converter, already have half of it. Then finish it all off with some undercoating. It only has 68k on it and rides/drives like new. I brought it up here so I can use it to take to the mtns over the winter. Don't have anything that has 4wd anymore. :( So in exchange I'm detailing it so I can stand to even be near it, and also taking care of a TON of maintenance items my Dad's mechanic was already paid to do.....and didn't.


This thing is ROUGH


That's supposed to be chrome.


Yeahhhhhh brake fluid was supposed to be changed when the guy did the brakes....uhhh nope. It should be clear if you're wondering.


Ummm yup he didn't change the brakes....so uhhhh what exactly did this guy do for $900?


Yup it's def dirty.


Much better.


I haven't got to the fronts, but even with the rears done, new brake pads, brakes bled, and new fluid it stops SOOOO much better. I'm going to assume the fronts were changed. If not my dad should go back there and beat his money outta that guy.


The paint feels like sandpaper and has very little shine to it. Fortunately somehow the clear coat is completely intact. How is beyond me. Also the chome isn't pitted, just really dirty. This thing had less than 5k miles put on it a year so fortunately it's just dirty from sitting for damn ever. It used to be covered, but the cover got destroyed.





15 years of dust and dirt. No idea what's going on by the master cylinder. Almost looks like someone spilled brake fluid on it. I'll scuff it up and paint it as well.


This should polish up nice as well.



The interior in my eyes is horrid. However, I've been in peoples cars whose were worse than this. This just drives my OCD nature crazy. Should clean up to near perfect though. Really just a lot of dirt. Not many stains really.









The seats are actually in REALLY good condition. Look near perfect. Which is surprising given the rest of the condition of the truck. They'll get a good shampooing anyways. I'm going to guess this will take me over 100+ hours to detail. I'm going to do this over the course of the month. Another 15-20 to do the various maintenance that was supposedly already done( power steering fluid change, coolant change, front brakes, etc). Upside is the trans fluid looks brand new.....so guess he changed that. Rear axle doesn't appear to have been touched since the last time I changed the fluid....which is fine since I put a good quality synthetic in it and doubt it's even been 20k since I did it. Front and transfer case the same. Too bad my parents don't live closer or I could maintain all their stuff for them. Although it sounded like my dad didn't want this back. I don't need another vehicle to take care of, and don't have the room though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally had some time to get to work on this today. Changed out the coolant. Found out the rear calipers were rusted pretty bad on the inside. Totally seized up. Replaced both of those. Stops great now. All that's left maintenance wise is to change the power steering fluid. Hopefully can finish up the interior shampooing this week. Then start the exterior detailing next weekend.


Wheels after scrubbing them to death with APC and adams shampoo.




After some Adams MP 1 & 2 with a little help from one of the polishing balls.






Vacuumed the whole interior. Scrubbed every piece of vinyl and treated it with some SVRT. Shampooed the trunk area tonight. Still need to shampoo the rest of the truck.


WOW that turned out great!






These turned out ok. Not great, but as good as they're gonna get.



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Been doing it a long time. Funny enough everything else in life I'm about as impatient as you can get. Detailing for some reason I can slow down and just do it. Only have about 20 hours into it so far. Guessing another 2-3 on the shampooing and 40-50 on the exterior. So looks like far less than my original 100 hour guesstimate.

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Finished shampooing the interior tonight.








after.....MUCH better!






Now on to the washing, claying, buffing, and sealing panel by panel. Once done with that I'll do a final wash and final wax.

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After.......only took SHR and FMP with the flex. Surprisingly enough there was no swirls on this panel. I guess if you never wash your vehicle you don't get swirls. Dunno...


Just insane....


Gotta say I'm really impressed.




So without the lights I can see a ton of......what appears to be some kind of etching. Acid rain......who knows. I'm not too concerned. This things is 15 years old, I'm not gonna go crazy with super gritty compounds. The fact it now has some form of reflection is enough for me.

Edited by suke
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Had a little time to work on it again today.























So I looked at the roof closer today and I can def see some issues where the clear is pretty much gone. Especially in the rain gutters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally getting back to it. Did the roof today. Just used FMP. Reason being is it was cold and I was working outside. Also was cloudy and didn't wanna get caught in any rain. Also wanted to go easy as I wasn't very sure on the condition of the clear. That and it's the roof of an 8ft tall vehicle. Just wanted to put some shine to it and get some protection on the paint.


Didn't take any befores as I already did previously.









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It's coming along nicely man! Keep it up and you'll be done in no time. :cheers:


Yup just have the sides and rear to do. HOPEFULLY tomorrow I can get to it. Will go a little more aggressive on the sides since it'll be seen.

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Got quite a bit done today, once again no really before pics other than the ones I took. Got the engine bay detailed, then one side and the rear done.


Got some sun pics of the side I didn't get to yet. You can actually see a few swirl marks. That was after washing and claying.



The side I finished today I took some after pics. Was getting dark so not sure how well they'll show up. Under my inspection lights I could see some swirl marks left on the very bottom part of the doors. It shined up good and is nicely protected now. I'm not too concerned. It's worlds better, and if this was a customer car I'd get it perfect.


This actually took A LOT of work to buff out. Had to bust out the heaviest cut compound I have on hand that I normally use to buff gel coat on boats/jet skis.

Other side that hasn't been worked.


Side that I have buffed to death. Still not perfect.



Can't really see the after pics of this side very well got dark. I'll try and get better pics in the light.





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Wow buddy!!! Preciate the updates!! Killer job so far!! You really will have that old bohemeth looking solid!! One idea on those rain gutters (before they start to really rust out) is to tape off around them. Clean em up with some alcohol. And just find some Rustoleum "paint match" rattle can from AutoZone, and lay a few light coats down indside there. It'll at least keep them problem from getting worse, and creating a costly repair. It would be anything perfect or fancy, but it'd get the job done.

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Yeah thought about that, and I MAY do that but for now it'll work. Running outta time before the trip. I drove her around all weekend and really makes me miss driving a big man vehicle daily. This friday I'll wrap up the rest of the buffing and sealant. Then hopefully over the next week get time to do a full final wash/wax, polish the rest of the chrome, SVRT the trim/tires, and do a final wipe down/vacuum of the interior. Only.....what another 40 hours of work ahead of me? lol

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