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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day


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A little video I made for some of the local LEOs that were killed in the line of duty. The second one in the video is my Uncle. Hope you guys like it and please pass it on. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e1LddBknyM&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Gone but never forgotten - YouTube[/ame]


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Good stuff Jon. I'll pass this along.:thumbsup:


My biggest fear when my wife was a patrol officer was her not coming home. When my next door neighbor leaves in the morning I offer up a prayer for his safety the way I did for my wife.


I appreciate that Paul.:patriot: Its part of the job but you just pray it never happens to you.

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Thanks Mark. Its ashame a LEO has to work that long. It really is..


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Yeah unfortunately they just took away his lifetime health insurance, the city filed bankruptcy, so that went out the window. Big adjustment.

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