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First Adams Experience


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Well, I finally got to try my basic collection of Adam's products on my new mustang gt I picked up yesterday. I learned a lot from one wash. And have some questions.

Things I learned,

1. I suck at this.

2. I need wheel and fender goodies.

3. I need a couple more drying towels.

4. Adam's products smell great!



How do I get it to be completely streak and spot free when drying? I misted with detail spray and was unable to get all the streaking off. I feel like maybe I need another single or double soft to do a final wipe with. But maybe I'm wrong, is waterless the answer? Like I said, my collection is very basic. I gotta save a few bucks up and buy more.


Sorry for the crappy Droid pics, I don't have another camera at the moment.





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Pooling rinse will reduce your great white use. Although, even without it, you should only be using 2 great whites.


For detail spray wipe downs I prefer this:


1) mist panel

2) wipe majority of liquid up with waterless wash waffle weave (just easier to handle than the great white, but it also works)

3) buff the remaining "streaks" with a single soft

4) stand back and say, "nice"


Are you using a single or double soft to remove the detail spray? They tend to get saturated easily when wiping off a liquid. Once that happens they pretty much just smear the liquid around...causing the streakiness.

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I was thinking that's what my issue was. I only have one dry towel, so I'll get another one or two. No egott, I don't have a single soft to buff off with. I also thought that it may help but wasn't sure. I'll have to make an order in a week or two.


Another question, may be a little specific to the car though. The dealer double-sided taped the window louvers on. So water spots the quarter window underneath. Anyone have a trick for cleaning the window without removing the louvers?

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Another question, may be a little specific to the car though. The dealer double-sided taped the window louvers on. So water spots the quarter window underneath. Anyone have a trick for cleaning the window without removing the louvers?


Try one of these - Adam's Blaster Sidekick Dryer by MetroVac. The Sidekick is perfect for getting water out of those pesky places (outside mirrors, emblems, trim, wheel, tires, etc.).

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I am pretty new to Adam's products too...but I find that my car comes out better when I do a pooling rinse, dry with a Great White, then finish it off with a wipe-down with a single or double soft with detail spray. I didn't like the results when using detail spray while it was still wet. Maybe a little is psychological too...seems like some detail spray is wasted when applying while the car is wet. Just my $0.02

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I love spraying the wet car with detail spray before drying, Just make sure there isn't a ton of water on the car. Use a dry drying towel. Never had a streaking issue. Are you shaking the DS well before use?

For the louvered windows, to get rid of existing spots you would probably need a ruler wrapped with a glass cleaning cloth sprayed with glass cleaner to get in the slots.

Otherwise, prevention is the best thing. Maybe put some foam in the louvers to keep water out, and using a dryer to blow out what does get in.

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