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Need some advice: Tape effect on rubber trim



So for my G8 I purchased some OEM Holden trim to go atop the doors. It's metal with a rubberized coating so that it's a nice matte black. I'd taped up the trim to polish the car and pulled it when done so I could coat it with Super VRT. While so doing, I noticed the trim had become splotchy. I can only guess that this is the effect of the tape adhesive, as it appears that the trim has swollen from it. I used 3M blue painter's tape for this job.


Any advice on how to correct this? Will it fix itself in time, is there anything I can do to hasten the recovery, or am I looking at replacing my trim? :(



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Have you checked with 3M to see if they have a fix?


Might be an option, though you have to remember that their blue tape is TECHNICALLY for masking walls and similar surfaces for painting, not necessarily for detailing. Their green is technically the automotive stuff, it may come down to the "it wasn't designed for that use" type of answer.

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They'd also likely recommend one of their own products as a fix, such as the adhesive remover.


Speaking of removing things, APC will strip wax, right? I am getting a bit of it on the paint beneath the trim. I'd previously sealed, glazed, and waxed (Americana) that paint. Any suggestions for how to build the wax back up in that area?

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So I got a very pleasant surprise tonight. I was out to unwrap the roof and trunk so I can get them professionally rewrapped tomorrow (I did them the first time) and I noticed something.


The trim actually seems to be "healing" by itself. Here are pictures.


This is the piece I'd previously worked on, though a bit further back.



And this is the rear passenger door, which I haven't even touched. The bumps are smaller and, running by fingers over the trim, feel smaller to the touch, too.



So I might just ought to wait a bit longer, see what happens.


This is after putting some more SVRT on the trim. I'll keep applying, see what happens.

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