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Guys what should I do, I spent 6 hours using Adam's wash,clay, wash, detail spray, glaze, and Dodo supernatural wax and I have condesation build up all over my jeep srt8 tonight. I wiped it down with a microfiber Towel, what can I do so tomorrow it has that wet look to it still? I spent so much time on it now and feel like I threw it down the drain. It maybe looked good for an hour before the condesation started building up. Tomorrow will it still look good? Or should I detail spray it?

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I think I kind of got the same deal last week on my daughters ride after cleaning it. It sat outside. Next morning covered in dew and all. Little nats on it. I rinsed it off :2thumbs: and use Waterless Wash on it. Then hit it with some Brillant Glaze and put on the ole :glasses: again. Looked brand new again.:2thumbs:

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Condensation as in dew from the air settling on it at dusk and dawn? Park it in a garage. Don't have a garage, you'll have dew. I wash my vehicles about every week since they're parked outside. The one in the garage stays clean unless driven.

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I mist the whole thing with WW then a pooling rinse, then blowdry and re ww wipedown so far no swirls.. Yea it takes a bit of time, but it sure beats streaks. I tried just doing a WW wipe down but my MF towels get all wet and it leaves streaks.


*EDIT: I forgot to add, this only works if the vehicle is CLEAN to begin with.. if its got anything on it before the dew.. your better off washing. Sorry.

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