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Smoke Smell



My apologies if this has already been discussed...but recently I attended a bachelor party and needless to say there is a lingering smoke smell in my baby :( should have taken the daily driver but I figured we'd live the night in style :jester:


Anyways, I recall reading something about using charcoal to get smoke smell out of an interior...do I just put some in a paper sack and leave the top of the sack open or what?


I appreciate you guys as always! :thumbsup:

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True. But sometimes the situation might be more than a box of baking soda can handle, ya know? I think someone who smells like smoke in a car and someone who actually lights up a cigarette in a car are two different circumstances. In my moms case, it was really bad. I just don't let anyone who even thinks about being around smoke in my car, problem solved :D

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I'm with you... I'd almost take rotten apple smell over cig smoke.


My point was this... baking soda works for the same purpose, and its in a nice little box that can be purchased anywhere cheap. Why go to the trouble of finding a bunch of apples at the perfect balance of bad, but not rotten, when baking soda will do the exact same thing?

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Yes, really. My mom did it in her car when someone lit up a cigarette in her car. She was so mad. She thought it was crazy too, like I did. And I didn't saying get ROTTING apples, but get ones that are getting to that point. I guess I should say, get really soft ones. The citrus pulls the smell out of the car. And no, it doesn't smell like rotting apples afterwards. I tell you what, I would do anything possible to get it out if I ever got the smell of cigarettes in my car. It makes me sick.

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LOL... the weird home remedies people come up with stagger me! Rotten apples? Really... as if that wouldn't let off an odor of its own. This discussion came up recently on another forum and a guy suggested burning dryer sheets! Open flame and a chemical coated cloth IN YOUR CAR!! No potential for disaster there. :lol:


You're on the right track with thinking some of the smell is in the headliner. A good vacuum of the headliner, AC vents, and a wipe down of EVERY crack and crevice will help. Wipe the backs of the seats down with an LIC dampened towel, as far under the seats as you can reach as well. Even the seatbelts.


Cig smoke is weird in that it seems to just work its way into every tiny pore and crevice of an interior. The baking soda thing won't do much good if any 'residue' remains... you have to get rid of the source in order to cure the symptoms.


A less cost effective route, but far more effective, is the use of an ozone generator. Sometimes you can find them locally to rent or you can find detailers who will perform the service for a fee. Its the only way to ever truly rid an interior of odors 100%.

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I guess I'm just lazy, I've always just picked up a air freshener. But it did back fire once when I bought one and put it in my truck and let the truck sit without realizing how strong the air freshener was... You could smell the truck before you could see the truck! It smelt like fresh cherry pie everywhere the truck went for months!

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This might sound crazy, but it works....Get a box of old apples, almost to the point of rotting. You can get them from a grocery store. Just ask them for their old produce. You put the box of apple in the car overnight, and for some reason it soaks up every single smell. Works like a charm.


And how do you remove the rotten apple smell? :lol:

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This might sound crazy, but it works....Get a box of old apples, almost to the point of rotting. You can get them from a grocery store. Just ask them for their old produce. You put the box of apple in the car overnight, and for some reason it soaks up every single smell. Works like a charm.


Wow, that is a crazy one I've never heard of. I'm keeping all of these tips in my back pocket for when I need them.


I can just picture delivering a customer their car with a box of old apples. "Just trust me on this one Sir/Mam!" :D

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This might sound crazy, but it works....Get a box of old apples, almost to the point of rotting. You can get them from a grocery store. Just ask them for their old produce. You put the box of apple in the car overnight, and for some reason it soaks up every single smell. Works like a charm.

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Grab a box of baking soda and out it your car with the windows up and leave it there for a few days. See what that does. I do recall that the charcoal did do wonders to clean up an interior but you then had to smell charcoal for a few days.

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So far all I did was vaccum and then hit the leather with L&IC and then some LC. Kind of afraid the odor might be lingering in the head liner...in which case I'm assuming I'll have to crack out the wallet and purchase some Carpet/upholstry cleaner

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Not sure...honestly not sure even how to change the cabin filter.


The smell isn't too bad. We didn't smoke directly in the vehichle, just had quite a strong smell on us from all of the bar hopping and what not that we brought into the car with us.


Drove around with the windows down for a bit trying to air her out...it helped a little, but I want her back to smelling like she did before our attempt at recreating "the hangover" :jester:

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