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Road Grime vs. Adams



Hey all, long time no see! Anyways, thought I'd check in and report the results of my recent vacation / road trip to the beautiful state of PA. Started the trip in MI, and almost immediately, ran into road construction, road graders, trucks, fresh asphalt, dirt dust and sticky black oily crap they prime the roadbed with. In OH, I ran into some rain showers, which at least cleared my windshield. Next it was the attack of the insects, 700 miles of them. Finally, as I approached my destination, the air went out! Out came the fender protectors laid over my filthy Mustang. After returning home in MI, I was horrified at the sight of my car. I dreaded washing it, enough that I let it go two weeks, with hot sun baking in the contaminates. Today, Labor Day, I faced my battle, Adam's in hand. The weapons? Adams, Car Shampoo, wash pad, grit guard bucket, Waterless Wash Great White and Detail Spray. First I sprayed off the loose dust, then covered the car with shampoo (cheap foam gun). Next I hit all the bug splatted areas and road tar, behind tires with WW and let it soak a few minutes. Out came the wash pad and shampoo filled bucket, followed by pool rinse and DS and Great White. The car looks magnificent and the bugs and tar effortlessly disappeared like magic. I finally hit a couple of the remaining two stubborn large bug splats with WW one more time with my towel. They came off without ANY effort. I thought for sure my car was ruined on this vaca, but Adam's once again saved the day and made mine a good one. THANKYOU!!!:D

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