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A friendly reminder...

Team Adam's


Our rules here at AdamsForums.com do not permit the linking of competitors products or websites. While we fully understand that there are a multitude of products on the market this forums function is to serve as an extension of our sales & support and as such is exclusive to our products.


Light discussion of other products has been allowed lately and will continue to be, but these topics are to remain free of links, pricing, or solicitation for PM or emails for the express purpose of selling/endorsing those products. They should also remain respectful of the fact that this is, in the end, AdamsForums and not an open detail discussion board for all brands.


Additionally, please understand that simply because Adam's does not currently offer a particular product it does not mean we are unaware or ignoring it. In most all cases testing and development are happening behind the scenes. In order for a product to be added to our line it must meet a number of criteria:


[*]It must perform to our standards

[*]It must be easy for even novice Detailers to use without error

[*]It must add some benefit over other/existing options

[*]It must be made in the USA

[*]It must make sense financially


Only under these conditions will we approve a new product for sale. Sometimes this means a slightly slower development cycle or that a particular product has to be placed on hold until we are comfortable adding it.


Rest assured our entire team is always playing with new products, competitors products, etc. If you ever feel there is a product we aren't aware of, a product you're curious why we currently don't offer, or just think you have found something no one else has seen yet please email SUGGESTIONS@ADAMSPOLISHES.COM or TIPS@ADAMSPOLISHES.COM

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When we're you banned for a week without explination?


As I remember it you (not the first time) sent a lengthy email to Adam expressing your unhappiness with the end of our last contest, which also expressed your decision never to come back to the forum. No ban was issued that I'm aware of, other than your self imposed vacation.


Was there another recent time where your account privileges were revoked without explanation? I'm just trying to clarify bc we don't issue a ban without a reason and communication to the person being banned.


Edit- fixing typos as I try to respond from my phone.



The ban started on or about 7/23 and lasted through 7/30. I knew a ban was in affect due to the banner I got about telling me not to mention competitive product. Trust me, as a forum admin I know what a ban looks like! That you didn't know about the ban I find a little worrisome, as the admin for AF.


I would have to review that email, but I did express unhappiness regarding the forum moderation, as I have in the past. I took the ban as a response to my email to Adam.


I fully realize this is your game, your products, and the power rests in your court... I think you will continue to have a challenge on your hands regarding the tension between growing a community built on the good will of its members and what I see as somewhat draconian censorship policy.


Again, I helped build a support organization that was the main reason our company rose to the top of its market segment, with revenue around $200 million and the reason for our success was our focus on the customer.


You have stated this is a support forum. I have submitted it has grown well beyond that, and to a large degree because of the goodwill of its members, who often suggest both product and the forum to family and friends.


The reputation of the forum (and Adams) will to some degree rest on how successfully you resolve the tension between keeping the members captive (the no linking policy), keeping the perception that Adam's products are the best in the industry given the price range (the no competitive information policy) and allowing the product, your knowledge, and the brainpower of the members to come to the conclusion that Adam DOES offer a superior product -- hands down and bar none.... and still allow members to share knowledge with each other, and where Adams products OUTSHINE the competition!


I want to thank Adam, yourself, Adams employees and members of this forum for revitalizing my interest in detailing...


Happy detailing,


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This has gotten out of control in every aspect. A good product speaks for itself, so if Adam's products are really superior to those of its competitors, than it shouldn't matter what an existing Adam's customer explores outside of Adam's products. If a competitive product is really inferior to a comparable item that Adam's offers, than that customer will have learned a lesson and find his/her way back to Adam's.



I feel like Adam's employees openly talking down a competitive product just drives more people away. If you don't want people to buy a specific product, than talk up your own product, don't talk down about the competition. Keep it classy.

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I love Italian food, but I don't think my diet could consist entirely of it. However, I do know this really great Italian restaurant where the service is great and I've spent A LOT of money over the past few years. The owner really seems to care and often comes out to greet and take care of his customers himself. This restaurant is so great that I've told a bunch of friends about it and whenever someone asks where to get Italian, it's where I tell them to go.


I also know of some steakhouses though, and to think that their food and service can't be as good just because they don't serve spaghetti is kind of silly. The owner seems to know this, and will sometimes make references to steak himself, but whenever a customer happens to mention steak the waiters are quick to tell the customers how much better spaghetti is. Even if a guy likes both and asks what's the best steak to go with this awesome spaghetti is, he is quickly silenced, or sometimes even hidden from the other customer's view. The waiters' view is that spaghetti MUST be served with meatballs, and any opinion other than that is wrong. Everyone knows that spaghetti and meatballs go together, but that doesn't meant that spaghetti and steak might work out just as well for some people too. He shouldn't be badgered into getting the meatballs by the waiters when he already ordered the spaghetti.


Now I completely understand that it's wrong for someone to come into the restaurant raving about how much better steak is. They definitely shouldn't be allowed to hand out flyers about steakhouses. However what's the harm of mentioning steak? Why should the best Italian restaurant around get so defensive about it? They've created an environment where customers are made to feel ashamed about even liking steak.


One nice thing about this restaurant though is that sometimes they add new things to the menu. One customer happens to mention a dish that some other restaurants offer and wonders if anyone's tried it. Despite a lot of good reviews from outside sources, one waiter is quick to point out that he heard about someone getting sick from it one time. The spaghetti isn't broken, so why try to fix it? Everyone should just stick to the spaghetti. Well if this is the official view of the restaurant, what if I want to try something new?


At this point the head chef comes out of the kitchen yelling at everyone about how little they know about what goes on in the restaurant. He's already tried all variations of the recipe and none are fit for the restaurant. For proof, one of his buddies had tried a few bites back at his place one time. We then are told the chef has been cooking for a long time, and has done so at a much higher level than the rest of us. Now I know I'm not the greatest cook and would never challenge myself against the chef's abilities, but that doesn't mean the chef should belittle my cooking. I try hard in the kitchen at home and have fun doing it. Next we are told that if we don't like everything the waiters say we should just get out, and at that point the kitchen was closed.


The next day this whole event was censored and we are simply reminded not to talk about steak. Now I had a lot of respect for the chef and right before he came out of the kitchen to yell at everyone I had even praised how he is usually quick to help anyone if they have an issue with their order. However, one bad experience can keep a customer from going back to a restaurant even if they had enjoyed themselves there in the past. I may have an unpleasant experience with the waiter one day and still come back because it doesn't represent the company as a whole, but the chef represents the core of the company. If that's the way things are going to be, should I try to find a new restaurant?


Now I love coming to this restaurant. The food is great and the service top notch. The customers are friendly and we can joke around and talk about all kinds of things even if it isn't food-related. I'd like to think that I've helped a few people figure out the menu over the years, even though it's not my job to do so. Of course I'm not an expert like someone who's been cooking their entire professional life but if you spend enough time somewhere you can pick up a few things. And while I'll won't name steakhouses here, or tell someone that they should get a steak instead, if a waiter tries getting someone to order something off the menu that they might not need, I may remind the customer that there are other ways to get a full stomach. Out of respect for the restaurant I won't give specifics, but if there's no balance to the propaganda some people may go their whole life without enjoying a steak thinking Italian food is the only good food. As someone who enjoys food, I think it's perfectly fine to support multiple restaurants if they all provide good experiences.


Lately Italian food has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It's not the food itself, but how defensive the restaurant is of the food. I can't understand why they feel so threatened if they truly are the best Italian food around. It's that attitude, not a problem with the spaghetti, that makes me want to try the steak even more.

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And just to add, we don't know what it's like for the restaurant staff. We don't get to see what happens in the kitchen, and maybe some of the employees were just having a bad day. Maybe they're just fed up with a few customers that have been difficult. I'm sure it can be frustrating when you put so much of your own effort into something that you can become overly sensitive to anything negative mentioned about your work. But while us customers may need to see things from the restaurant's point of view, I think the restaurant may need to look at things from a customer's point of view as well. Just because a customer likes steak doesn't mean he won't continue to eat spaghetti. Maybe the mention of steak in their restaurant might make them feel insecure, but if they stepped back they'd realize that the customer is still eating and enjoying the spaghetti, and will still come back for more.

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The ban started on or about 7/23 and lasted through 7/30. I knew a ban was in affect due to the banner I got about telling me not to mention competitive product. Trust me, as a forum admin I know what a ban looks like! That you didn't know about the ban I find a little worrisome, as the admin for AF.


I would have to review that email, but I did express unhappiness regarding the forum moderation, as I have in the past. I took the ban as a response to my email to Adam.


I fully realize this is your game, your products, and the power rests in your court... I think you will continue to have a challenge on your hands regarding the tension between growing a community built on the good will of its members and what I see as somewhat draconian censorship policy.


Again, I helped build a support organization that was the main reason our company rose to the top of its market segment, with revenue around $200 million and the reason for our success was our focus on the customer.


You have stated this is a support forum. I have submitted it has grown well beyond that, and to a large degree because of the goodwill of its members, who often suggest both product and the forum to family and friends.


The reputation of the forum (and Adams) will to some degree rest on how successfully you resolve the tension between keeping the members captive (the no linking policy), keeping the perception that Adam's products are the best in the industry given the price range (the no competitive information policy) and allowing the product, your knowledge, and the brainpower of the members to come to the conclusion that Adam DOES offer a superior product -- hands down and bar none.... and still allow members to share knowledge with each other, and where Adams products OUTSHINE the competition!


I want to thank Adam, yourself, Adams employees and members of this forum for revitalizing my interest in detailing...


Happy detailing,



So why are you driving a Hyundai? Sorry I couldn't help myself.

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::facepalm:: Apparently companies are no longer allowed to uphold their values because someone doesn't like them.


My $0.02 - don't like it? Leave. I'm not going to sugar coat it.


Let's not 'chick-fil-a' a company over posting links in a forum here folks. This isn't about your freedoms, it's about the Adam's community. We are all here because of Adam's products not because of competitors products. There are other forums where you can discuss openly any product you want. Adam's forums is here for help and product support for folks whom need the help with ADAMS PRODUCTS. Discussing other products in this forum can confuse people whom aren't here to learn about the 'other products.'


via Tapatalk on my Galaxy Slll

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I love Italian food, but I don't think my diet could consist entirely of it. However, I do know this really great Italian restaurant where the service is great and I've spent A LOT of money over the past few years. The owner really seems to care and often comes out to greet and take care of his customers himself. This restaurant is so great that I've told a bunch of friends about it and whenever someone asks where to get Italian, it's where I tell them to go.


I also know of some steakhouses though, and to think that their food and service can't be as good just because they don't serve spaghetti is kind of silly. The owner seems to know this, and will sometimes make references to steak himself, but whenever a customer happens to mention steak the waiters are quick to tell the customers how much better spaghetti is. Even if a guy likes both and asks what's the best steak to go with this awesome spaghetti is, he is quickly silenced, or sometimes even hidden from the other customer's view. The waiters' view is that spaghetti MUST be served with meatballs, and any opinion other than that is wrong. Everyone knows that spaghetti and meatballs go together, but that doesn't meant that spaghetti and steak might work out just as well for some people too. He shouldn't be badgered into getting the meatballs by the waiters when he already ordered the spaghetti.


Now I completely understand that it's wrong for someone to come into the restaurant raving about how much better steak is. They definitely shouldn't be allowed to hand out flyers about steakhouses. However what's the harm of mentioning steak? Why should the best Italian restaurant around get so defensive about it? They've created an environment where customers are made to feel ashamed about even liking steak.


One nice thing about this restaurant though is that sometimes they add new things to the menu. One customer happens to mention a dish that some other restaurants offer and wonders if anyone's tried it. Despite a lot of good reviews from outside sources, one waiter is quick to point out that he heard about someone getting sick from it one time. The spaghetti isn't broken, so why try to fix it? Everyone should just stick to the spaghetti. Well if this is the official view of the restaurant, what if I want to try something new?


At this point the head chef comes out of the kitchen yelling at everyone about how little they know about what goes on in the restaurant. He's already tried all variations of the recipe and none are fit for the restaurant. For proof, one of his buddies had tried a few bites back at his place one time. We then are told the chef has been cooking for a long time, and has done so at a much higher level than the rest of us. Now I know I'm not the greatest cook and would never challenge myself against the chef's abilities, but that doesn't mean the chef should belittle my cooking. I try hard in the kitchen at home and have fun doing it. Next we are told that if we don't like everything the waiters say we should just get out, and at that point the kitchen was closed.


The next day this whole event was censored and we are simply reminded not to talk about steak. Now I had a lot of respect for the chef and right before he came out of the kitchen to yell at everyone I had even praised how he is usually quick to help anyone if they have an issue with their order. However, one bad experience can keep a customer from going back to a restaurant even if they had enjoyed themselves there in the past. I may have an unpleasant experience with the waiter one day and still come back because it doesn't represent the company as a whole, but the chef represents the core of the company. If that's the way things are going to be, should I try to find a new restaurant?


Now I love coming to this restaurant. The food is great and the service top notch. The customers are friendly and we can joke around and talk about all kinds of things even if it isn't food-related. I'd like to think that I've helped a few people figure out the menu over the years, even though it's not my job to do so. Of course I'm not an expert like someone who's been cooking their entire professional life but if you spend enough time somewhere you can pick up a few things. And while I'll won't name steakhouses here, or tell someone that they should get a steak instead, if a waiter tries getting someone to order something off the menu that they might not need, I may remind the customer that there are other ways to get a full stomach. Out of respect for the restaurant I won't give specifics, but if there's no balance to the propaganda some people may go their whole life without enjoying a steak thinking Italian food is the only good food. As someone who enjoys food, I think it's perfectly fine to support multiple restaurants if they all provide good experiences.


Lately Italian food has been leaving a bad taste in my mouth. It's not the food itself, but how defensive the restaurant is of the food. I can't understand why they feel so threatened if they truly are the best Italian food around. It's that attitude, not a problem with the spaghetti, that makes me want to try the steak even more.



:lolsmack: ok, ok, fair enough. I was afraid I'd the restaurant analogy might get expanded on and butchered (no pun intended).


So then the town wants a zoning hearing on where the restaurant wants to expand... :lolsmack:


But seriously, you make good points. And yes, sometimes a few really bad apples (both publicly and behind the scenes) badger, annoy and frustrate Adam's employees and moderators to no end -- and the actions of those extreme cases sometimes incline us to set new guidelines and rules that unfortunately squelch the joy for others. The rampant cheating that ended the contests is one great example. I won't say that it never happens, but i know in general the staff and moderators here seldom talk down about another product. (though I think sometimes in explaining why we don't care for a product, it sometimes comes accross as a putdown).


I think at the end of the day, I think it's safe to say we'd love it if the golden rule -- treat others as you'd want them to treat you -- we're the rule of the forum. Just as Adam and the staff would never come into your home or place of business to criticize your products and methods, we hope that our members will come here to share positive and constructive ideas, and if the company decides to leave a product or niche unexplored, just take their honest answer at face value. When it gets to the point that people are accusing us of being draconioan, stiifiling their first amendment rights (oh please), being Big Brother, etc, we're put in the losing position. Come on guys, it's a family run car care business. Adam's just trying to carve out his little nitch to feed his family, create some American jobs and take care of his customers. Let's not make it all into something else. :thumbsup:

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I think at the end of the day, I think it's safe to say we'd love it if the golden rule -- treat others as you'd want them to treat you -- we're the rule of the forum. Just as Adam and the staff would never come into your home or place of business to criticize your products and methods, we hope that our members will come here to share positive and constructive ideas, and if the company decides to leave a product or niche unexplored, just take their honest answer at face value. When it gets to the point that people are accusing us of being draconioan, stiifiling their first amendment rights (oh please), being Big Brother, etc, we're put in the losing position. Come on guys, it's a family run car care business. Adam's just trying to carve out his little nitch to feed his family, create some American jobs and take care of his customers. Let's not make it all into something else. :thumbsup:


but see thats the point rich, the adams team shouldn't get overly sensitive when there is criticism over a product or when someone finds something better. If I was the adams team i would take that as "hey guys so and so found a product that seems to be working well" lets take this time to look at what we can make or improve on that is better then that product, but in the meantime lets let an open discussion so others can chime in and we get their opinions.


I run a business and I LOVE when someone critisizes me or questions me on my products and methods, its the only way to build a better business :thumbsup:


I WISH i had a support group/free focus group like adams has that could critique me ...Nothing bad comes from it, only good. And i do understand about the annoying customers/people that are out to get some type of revenge, ive dealt with my share of those too. but 99.5% of my customers behave themselves, and im sure it would be the same percentage for adams. they just have more to deal with because they have more customers then I do.


But to have a thread taken down almost instantly when someone ASKS about another product is just plain crazy, personally i would take that time to let others speak and sing praises about an adams product and why such and such a product from adams is better. so what if someone chimes in and says something works better for them, just because it works better for them doesnt mean it will work better for others or that individual.


I wonder how many customers the forum team have turned away by someone just asking a simple question, especially someone that just joined asking if adams products are compatible with others, i have seen one too many threads taken down within minutes because someone simply asked the difference between megs/adams or can adams be used with other polishes etc... I know if I was replied "this is a forum that supports adams products only this thread will be closed" i would go somewhere else and never look back :(

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