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Somebody better call the DEA..


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...because this Adam's stuff is more addictive then crack! :willy:


It started innocently enough…long before it degraded to detailing debauchery. You see, all the cool kids were doing it. They made it look like so much fun, I couldn’t help but be interested. “It’s easy man, try it!” Then I got a free sample from a “friend”. That’s how they get you…the first hit is always free.


How could such an innocuous looking bottle of pink stuff be so awesome? Hell, the scent alone hooked me. Keep in mind, it wasn’t a habbit…yet. It was just an occasional thing. An initial order of stuff started it. I just wanted to experience the thrill of SHINE again. Then it became monthly orders….still, I had it under control.


Quickly, monthly turned into weekly orders as a never ending stream of quality products were being presented to me….all of them so beautifully colored, scented, and packaged. I had, and still have, this overwhelming urge to collect them all.


So here I sit, staring at my packed shopping cart trying to pear it down to a reasonable order this week. It is now I realize this only the beginning of a very deep rabbit hole.


I think it’s time for a 12 step program. Of course, the 12th step would be Americana! :D


Anyway, thanks to all for making a quality American product with a gold standard level of customer service.

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