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Giving Away Vac-n-Blo 500


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i got an early present from my parents, an Adam's Shop Vac Professional. so needless to say, i won't be needing my handy dandy Adam's Vac N' 500 Handheld Vacuum by MetroVac anymore.


i was inspired a few months back when someone else paid it forward with his handheld vacuum, and i promised you guys i would do the same when i got a bigger car vac.


but i'm going to give this one away a little different though. anyone who wants this vacuum, please PM me a brief paragraph of why you think you deserve it. be sure to put "Vac-n-Blo 500" in the title. one sentence isn't going to cut it, but i'm not going to read a bunch of 10 page essays either! i'd like to pay it forward much like who inspired me, but i want to make sure its going to the right person. i'll wait a few days so that the majority of people get to see this thread.


all i'm asking in return is payment for shipping and packaging. i don't have the original box otherwise it would just be for shipping. i also ask that you pay it forward to someone else in some way, shape or form; i'm not asking you to give away your precious Adam's stuff though :D.


i still have all the original accessories and manual that will be shipped with it.

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i just want to make it clear this isn't all about whose PM is written the best. its also not ALL about who is going through the most hardship or who simply can't afford a brand new one. ;)


its tough for me to really explain what all i'm looking for, i never was good at explaining myself... i guess thats why i'm a math nerd LOL. i'm just trying to do a good deed and give this away to the person i feel should have it and will pay it forward to someone in the future. everyone that's PM'd me so far all deserve it. if i had multiple items to give away i would give each of you something.


keep the PM's coming, i want to make this as fair as timely possible. i'll read through everyone's messages again tuesday evening and i'll post on here when i've chosen who i want to give it to.

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Fedex averages a dollar per pound, and then you're responsible for the box. You can make it look like a coffin and they will still take it. I shipped an exhaust this morning and it was three boxes opened up and stuck over each other then taped. Looked horrible.

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alright fellas! i read through everyone's PMs for a second, third, and some fourth time and picked who i decided to give it away to.


i also went ahead and took the time to PM everyone that took the time to PM me. thank you for that! everyone's story was meaningful, but unfortunately i only had 1 vacuum to give away! like i tell my wife every time she tries to bring a lost dog home, we're not a dog farm LOL (except in this case its the opposite of that if this analogy makes any sense... at all)


i hope no one felt this was a competition, because it really wasn't! i just hope everyone that read this thread and submitted a PM has the opportunity to pay it forward to someone else like i have the opportunity to do right now!

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