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65 Cheyy Impala


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I was asked to undertake a detail on a 65 Chevy for a freind for an upcoming show.

The car has undergone a full off-chassis rebuild and was built as a driver rather than show car, in the past 12 months this has spent a lot of time in different shops and the outer surface was showing a lot of swirls and scratching.

Products used were:

Generic solvent wax remover

Adams Clay Bar

Flex with:

Adams Severe Swirl Remover

Adams Swirl & Haze Remover

Adams Fine Machine Polish

PC with:

Adams Revive Polish

Adams Machine Sealant

Finishing with several coats of Americana - not really needed but I just love the finish.


I started by de-waxing the surface followed by a full surface clay.


I spent some time on the hood working out the processes needed to get the surface perfect, you can see the RHS after trial polishing - no waxes or sealants yet, just paint


The RHS of the car needed a lot of work and had zero reflection before I started. I had to start with compound and a direct drive polisher here.


I spent a lot of hours on the end of the flex going through process after process, It is winter and was -5degc outside, hence the wooly hat!


Here I am undertaking one of many full surface inspections tracking down scratches and marks


The RHS finally has the reflection it deserves!



Here I am buffing off the Adas Machine Sealant, I started on Friday night and this is late Saturday afternoon... Sunday saw 2 x coats of Americana


Cleaning up all the edges was a pretty involved job, cloths, small brushes and tooth picks are my most used tools for this.


Engine bay only needed a minor detail, underside is as clean as the engine bay.


Americana is just the best!


Finally outside for a check over in natural light - unfortunately an overcast day


Reflections, reflections, reflections....





A great car with the finish it deserved, the owner was justifiably happy and photos are being used in the programe for our National Hot Rod Show

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Nice work Alan! :cheers:


This looks fantastic - perfect stance, big meats filling those huge wheelwells, and a great looking motor. I grew up with those cars, not the sexy 2 door coupe you did, but the station wagon/estate version with the rear facing 3rd row seat!


Thanks for sharing!

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