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Official NHL 2012 Playoff Thread


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I'm watching the Ranger game and Carkner tuned the guy!!! Big scrum and pile up you guys gotta see it!! Woooo :rockon: The Ranger coach is pissed!! Lol



The three stooges on the intermission show were calling for suspensions for that one, although Carkner got in some good shots:jawdrop:, while other times they say it's playoff hockey. I sometimes wonder if the league listens to these guys comments and make the decisions of what they say, I sure hope not.


Then there are other that shouldn't even be playing the game still, and the name on the top of my list is;

Todd "It Is What It Is" Bertuzzi, what a bum and low life he is:explode:


But there have been some good games on so far, and goaltending has been awesome, I just wished Craig Anderson had played that well when he was here Colorado, just a side note on "Andy", his family owns and races Corvettes, I didn't get a look at his headgear very good last night, but when here for the Av's he had Jake on the back of his hat helping him out! :rockon:


Now on to the regular scheduled programming! :D




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WOW this pittsburgh/philly series is UNREAL!


This is old school hockey...I LOVE IT


Agreed! I couldn't take my eyes off this game just waiting for what was going to happen next! I had the TV and surround sound blasting during the game I think my neighbors thought a train was coming thru with all that scoring going on by Philly!!! :lol:

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I woke up this morning thinking the Rangers defeat in OT was a bad dream. Nope! Series is tied up 2-2 now.


I knew it was over when I saw Ottawa come across the blue line and drop that pass off. It left the perfect screen to beat Lundquist on the high side.

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A puck of course. The refs are ruining enjoyable playoff hockey. They're trying to eliminate the scrums, fights and dirty hits... this is what playoff hockey is all about. While all the scraps happened in the first couple games in the Pitts series.. TV ratings went through the roof; according to NBC. I think they said 1.7 million viewers.


Now its turned into boring hockey again.

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The refs are really hurting the wings this year. I'm not using them as a scapegoat, our powerplay is seriously lacking and there have been too many odd-man rushes for my liking. But every game it seems is incredibly whistle-happy and choppy. It really cramps the style of a lot of the older vets that are on with Detroit

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So I get a txt just now from my aunt saying look who she got to spend a few minutes with today....I open it up and long behold...Lord stanley himself!





How cool is that knowing some of the greats hockey players held/kissed/slept/drank out of this!

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So I get a txt just now from my aunt saying look who she got to spend a few minutes with today....I open it up and long behold...Lord stanley himself!





How cool is that knowing some of the greats hockey players held/kissed/slept/drank out of this!

i can't wait to see the size of it when i'm old and grey

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