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Dylan I know it's tough for you right now. It's not May yet. The Halos will get it figured out soon enough man.


Nice to see Nicasio throw 6+ strong innings for the Rox last night!


Yea... I'm not losing hope and jumping ship like a lot of "fans" have. We found out who the bandwagon fans were real quick LOL. Place was a ghost town on wednesday when I went.


Theres a long ways to go, and for sake of argument the Halos won the world series in 02 after starting the season 6-14.... they also won 100 games in 09 and didn't make it out of the CS... baseball isn't that easy to read.


Whats annoying is the people saying "its still early" like these games don't matter. Ask the Red Sox if they'd have liked to have gotten 1 or 2 of those first 8 loses back last year... just 2 wins in those first 8 puts them in the post season and the Rays at home. Just 1 win would've at least forced a playoff... so its crazy to say these early games don't matter.


When september gets here I'd hate to be trailing texas by 1 or 2 games... this slow start could come back to haunt us.

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That Yanks/Sox game is crazy. Was outside detailing, and I was searching for Rangers second game saw sox ahead 9-1 then when I checked back later they were talking about how amazing the comeback was (Joe Buck blabbing like he does) and saw the final 15-9. Poor Red Sox.


In other news, Rangers learned shoulda conserved a bit for game 2.

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I'm just hoping the Angels manage to put a .500 season together at this point... its depressing to watch.


Remember the offseason when Prince and Albert were both still available? I was SO excited that the Rangers would get ONE of those guys for first base.


They currently have 2 homers. Combined.


Mitch Moreland has 2 homers. And he's only a platoon 1st baseman.


This game will kill ya.....

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Dang Dylan' date='


Your up early. Were you dreaming about Baseball or what?? :lol:[/quote']


Its funny you say that... I actually did have a dream (more of a nightmare) that at the game against the Twins next week that I have tickets for the score was 20-3 in favor of Minnesota. :willy:


Remember the offseason when Prince and Albert were both still available? I was SO excited that the Rangers would get ONE of those guys for first base.


They currently have 2 homers. Combined.


Mitch Moreland has 2 homers. And he's only a platoon 1st baseman.


This game will kill ya.....


I bet you could have polled every single baseball fan in America and no one would've seen this coming. I've given up on watching games on TV... I don't need anymore stress in my life.


Its clear Mike Scioscia is in over his head... I get a feeling that if this trend continues he and the rest of the coaching staff will be shown the door. For years hes said the one thing they were lacking was a power bat... well we got 2 30+ HR guys into the lineup this year that weren't there before and we're worse than ever.


The camera shows shots of him in the dugout during the games, he just looks lost and panicking. . We haven't been playing small ball, we've run out 16 different lineups in 18 games!! THAT IS NUTS!!


Last night was just horrific to watch... the team not playing well is one thing, but he puts Izringhausen in the game, who walks Longoria on 4 straight. Rather than pull him, leaves him in... loads the bases, then walks in a run before getting out of the inning.


Then... we do manage to score a run that would have tied it if it hadn't been for the walked in run earlier. Who does Mike pinch hit? Alberto Callaspo... who this year is 2 for 24 against right handers!! We've got Mark Trumbo on the bench... a guy who belted 29 HR's last year, was runner up for rookie of the year, and has been one of the few offensive bright spots for us... and we put a weak hitting guy with a 2 for 24 streak in to PINCH HIT the last out??? Its just crazy to watch the worst decision be made by a guy who is supposedly one of the best in the game. Of course Callaspo flies out on a weak hit to left... game over... Angels go to 6-12 :loser:


The spotlight has revealed something that maybe no one had realized until this year... Mikes not the baseball genius everyone was giving him credit as... maybe that 02 WS was more the result of Joe Maddon and the rest of the brain trust than it was Scioscia. Its pretty obvious Joe is doing a lot more with a lot less in Tampa than Mike is with now the 3rd highest payroll in baseball.


I'm still an Angels fan thru and thru, but at a certain point you have to start to wonder is the management and team putting as much heart and effort into it as the fans are... if this doesn't end soon they're gonna be calling for blood.

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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Ugh... 3-2 halos going into the 9th... setup man Downs stays on to get first out. Done.


In comes Jordan "The Arsonist" Walden... single to Upton... walk off 2 run pinch hit HR to Brandon Allen.


Now sitting at 6 and 13... the fans in denial at this point are pointing to the '02 season where we started 6-14 and went on to win it all. Forgive me if I have my doubts.

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