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How you like Yu?


Had to sell the tix... couldn't go... glad I didn't!


That will probably be Santana's last start this year. He has completely lost it. I'd be affraid to even move him to the pen at this point.


But its OK really bc Haren comes back of the DL today for the game I'm going to leaving us with 6 men in a 5 man rotation. Ervin is the odd man out.


  1. Weaver
  2. Wilson
  3. Williams
  4. Haren
  5. Richards
  6. Santana


We even have Brad Mills wasting away down in the minors and he killed it in the spot start he got this year.


I wouldn't get too cocky there Ranger fans... remove the 6 runs given up by Santana and his batting practice pitches and you only scored 3 runs off our bullpen in 7 2/3 innings. Thats not exactly explosive offense... with Santana leading the league in surrendered HR's and on pace to set the all time record in one season I'd have been shocked if you didn't touch him for at least 6.


If Haren's back is healed up I expect to see a much closer game today. :thumbsup:

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I wouldn't get too cocky there Ranger fans...

If Haren's back is healed up I expect to see a much closer game today.


Nothing but respect for the Angels from THIS Rangers fan. Most of us THINKING Rangers fans were expecting (and are STILL expecting) it to be a dog-fight in the AL West.


And if Haren is right he's just the kind of pitcher that gives the Rangers mashers problems.

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Great game last night... had a lot of fun trash talking with a couple of Ranger fans next to us. All good natured on both sides... even exchanged rounds of beer during the 5th and 6th. Good people.


So how about Ichiro to the Yanks? WOW... too bad he won't finish up where he started. Definitely not the player he once was, but hes still very good and extremely reliable defensively.

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Yea got close to being a different result.


Colby Lewis is now out for the year with a torn ligament. A definite big hit to the pitching staff.


Colby going down is definitely a big blow... I expect now, more than before, Texas to be in the conversations for Greinke and Hammels.


Ol' Roy Oswalt scratched for back tightness.... hmmm... didn't see that coming [/sarcasm]

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Ichiro did request to be traded which is crazy considering he has been w them for so long. Think they took his stuff with them to NY for this series?


This series is in Seattle.


My guess is that Swisher's injury is a little more serious than orig thought.

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This series is in Seattle.


My guess is that Swisher's injury is a little more serious than orig thought.


Ichiro was also asking for a trade to a contender. Can't blame him... the guy has been loyal and rock solid for the M's most of his career and they've haven't really been in the conversation recently as far as post season other than pre-season speculation in 2010 where they simply fell apart.


If a guys gonna leave this was one of the better ways to handle it. He privately asked for a trade, being completely out of contention they obliged, the sides part ways amicably and Ichiro gets a shot to play for a contending team to finish out his career.


Makes good sense for the Yanks with Swisher down and Brett Gardener out for the rest of the season. Ichiro is still better than average at the plate, fast on the bases, and still excellent in the field.

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It'll be strange seeing the Mariners without Ichiro. For years he has absolutely KILLED the Rangers (now that legacy has passed to Trout).


However - he's looked quite a bit different this year. He's always taken that maddening "running-swing" but he usually hit the ball pretty hard. This year I don't think he hit the ball hard ONCE against the Rangers. If he got on base it was because he hit it so weakly that he beat it out. At one time I actually yelled at the TV, "Hit the stinking ball!" He didn't look as good in the field either. While he was still covering ground very well he didn't show the electric arm he was known for. His throws to the bases from right field were actually below average for a change.


Of course - the change of scenery may be just what the sports psychologist ordered.... His first time up as a Yankee he hit the ball hard and punched it through - just like the old days. I'm sure it's very rejuvenating to play for a team that knows how to win. It'll be strange for him to not be "the guy" for the first time in his MLB career (batting 8th? Wow!) but it might be just what he needs to play well and score the last contract he'll need. It won't be w/ the Yankees, though.


I wish him all the best. He's always been a class act and a fun ball player to watch.

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I kind of like him down in the 8 or 9 hole... almost creates a 2nd leadoff hitter scenario. Similar to how Scioscia bats Peter Bourjos (faster than trout btw) in the 8 hole... creates an 8,9,1 scenario where Peter gets on, steals or advances based on the 9th hitters AB, then you've got Trout in an RBI situation or him + Bourjos on the bases potentially wreaking havoc while the meat of the lineup starts to come up.


Sideline - I know many people don't know or follow Pete with Trout getting all the press, but hes been a favorite of mine since he came up 2 years ago for his hustle and professionalism - not to mention A++ defense. Just to give you an idea. He hit an in the park HR in Minnesota early this season. Home-home he was timed at 14 seconds... think about that for a second. Dude went 90-90-90-90 in 14 friggin seconds! HE FLIES!! Angels fans have been begging for a Trout vs. Bourjos foot race for years now, but Scioscia keeps putting the kibosh on the idea.


EDIT - video of said in the park HR -


Baseball Video Highlights & Clips | Must C Clips: Bourjos hits an inside-the-park homer - Video | angels.com: Multimedia

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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I didn't think he had a shot at 3,000 hits before the trade. Given what the Yanks trot out every year for a lineup, gonna be harder to pitch around him now. I bet he's hitting close to .300 by the end of the year.

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Was reading an article in my boredom of sitting at a desk all day and it was talking about how Ichiro was putting forth less effort because of his teams record and their effort. Now maybe it's just the way I think but shouldnt you play hard regardless of whether your team is swallowing the big one or doin good? Might be just me but I dunno never really liked the guy maybe because of what he could do. Also read he agreed to take a drop in position in lineup and an understanding he wouldn't really be the go to guy. Sucks for the mariners to lose leadership but hey they are growing and changing kinda like the stros


Dylan you read about wash and the comparison of trout and mays?

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Was reading an article in my boredom of sitting at a desk all day and it was talking about how Ichiro was putting forth less effort because of his teams record and their effort. Now maybe it's just the way I think but shouldnt you play hard regardless of whether your team is swallowing the big one or doin good? Might be just me but I dunno never really liked the guy maybe because of what he could do. Also read he agreed to take a drop in position in lineup and an understanding he wouldn't really be the go to guy. Sucks for the mariners to lose leadership but hey they are growing and changing kinda like the stros


Dylan you read about wash and the comparison of trout and mays?

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you read about wash and the comparison of trout and mays?


I hope you weren't thinking that Washington was criticizing Trout. He was just saying that it adds a lot of pressure on a young player when you tag him with a label like "the next Mays". His point is to just let the guy play and see what "the next Mike Trout" will be like.

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Dylan you read about wash and the comparison of trout and mays?


I agree with everything Wash said (so did Scioscia).


Its way too early to be comparing a guy whos played in 71 games to an all time great. Too many people are trying to find "the next...." its like the NBA and their constant need to label every transcendent player "then next michael jordan".


No doubt Trouts talents and what hes done so far is other-worldly, but before we start putting him in the same conversation as Mays lets see if he can keep it up for as long as Willie did.

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The Astros are no longer going to the AL West next year as they will be a part of the PCL League in AAA.


Sucks but its a necessary evil for us right now. Luhnow definately has the quantity vs quality approach that is apparent in these trades.

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Hanley Ram to the Dodgers. I wonder how how Donnie Baseball will like THAT guy...


The Dodgers need a SS and Hanley can be great (when he wants to be) but he can also be a bit petulant.... Might be an explosive combination.

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