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Mark Kiszla: Rockies should move Troy Tulowitzki to third base sooner rather than later - The Denver Post


I really do not typically agree with this clown of a sports columnist, but this time, he has a point. The fans of the Rockies are idiots. No Curtain Call for CarGo last night, after he HR in four straight AB. There is also an article on the front page of the DenverPost right now discussing how Coors Field is a frigging "Place to be for the Social Scene". That makes me sick.

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Sick is the appropriate word to describe their hitting this season.


The Yankees have been good for a LONG time. You Yankee Fans are spoiled.


It's about time the NYY had a "rebuilding" phase. (Like THAT would ever happen...)

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The Yankees have been good for a LONG time. You Yankee Fans are spoiled.


It's about time the NYY had a "rebuilding" phase. (Like THAT would ever happen...)



I wouldn't say spoiled. Remember the 80s? They didn't do squat for 10 years and finally rebuilt the team and the farm league and it paid off in the 90s.


Now the problem is they have a great farm system and trade players from it for these old battered players that are unpredictable. Would love to see them take a couple years off and rebuild with the talent they have in their system. Its only a matter of time they will have no choice. Im just sick of seeing them buy these beat up players that already hit their peak on other teams. One thing the Yankees have is $$ so the Steinbrenners do what they want. Hopefully they use their $$ to get some YOUNG talent this time.

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Two straight years of playoff baseball will do that to young arms.


But hey! Oswalt is coming!


Being an astros fan.. Oswalt is a mixed bag. The guy has a hell of a curveball but when he was throwing 94 with it he was devastating. Now that he's 88-90 its not nearly impressive. He can still win games at the big league level but can't dominate like he used to be able to do.

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Being an astros fan.. Oswalt is a mixed bag. The guy has a hell of a curveball but when he was throwing 94 with it he was devastating. Now that he's 88-90 its not nearly impressive. He can still win games at the big league level but can't dominate like he used to be able to do.


I know. I was being sarcastic.

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Two straight years of playoff baseball will do that to young arms.


But hey! Oswalt is coming!


I also think Nolan has something to do with it. I respect the guy as he is an amazing baseball mind, but he was a freak of nature in his playing days. Throwing as hard as he did, for as long as he did, as often as he did is not something anyone since has been capable of.


While he is an amazing pitching evaluator sometimes I think he forgets that his pitchers are not him... and he pushes Ron Washington to push them a little harder than maybe they should.


Evidenced by Ogando last year, Feliz this year... he pushed to get them in the starting rotation and their arms flamed out.


I think he'd have them throwing 150 pitches a game on 3 days rest if he could... Nolan could do that, todays pitchers can't.

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I also think Nolan has something to do with it. I respect the guy as he is an amazing baseball mind, but he was a freak of nature in his playing days. Throwing as hard as he did, for as long as he did, as often as he did is not something anyone since has been capable of.


While he is an amazing pitching evaluator sometimes I think he forgets that his pitchers are not him... and he pushes Ron Washington to push them a little harder than maybe they should.


Evidenced by Ogando last year, Feliz this year... he pushed to get them in the starting rotation and their arms flamed out.


I think he'd have them throwing 150 pitches a game on 3 days rest if he could... Nolan could do that, todays pitchers can't.


You may be right. Holland is out for two weeks, too.

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I gotta add... I think TX got swindled on the Darvish deal. I never saw what was supposedly so amazing about him. He is above average, but certainly not as dominant as he was marketed to be. Just looked at the score, 7-1 Oakland with Yu giving up 6 ER in 5.1 innings? This guy was supposed to be the 2nd coming of Cy Young by some peoples estimations.


So in the end it looks like both the halos and rangers big off season moves were let downs LOL... guess it goes to show that both teams spent a lot of money for guys who aren't quite living up to the hype.

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You may be right. Holland is out for two weeks, too.


Just saw that... ouch!


I think the theory holds water... Nolan expects more pitchers to be like him, but he doesn't realize that he was the exception, not the rule.


I bet with a couple weeks of training Nolan could still get out there and dominate... the guy is just nuts! I love watching old footage of him pitching... he was unhittable!

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I gotta add... I think TX got swindled on the Darvish deal. I never saw what was supposedly so amazing about him. He is above average, but certainly not as dominant as he was marketed to be. Just looked at the score, 7-1 Oakland with Yu giving up 6 ER in 5.1 innings? This guy was supposed to be the 2nd coming of Cy Young by some peoples estimations.


So in the end it looks like both the halos and rangers big off season moves were let downs LOL... guess it goes to show that both teams spent a lot of money for guys who aren't quite living up to the hype.


I don't think it's fair to judge Darvish in 1/3 of his first season. I don't think ANYONE said he was going to be the Cy Young winner this year. I believe the Rangers were just expecting him to be better than average and have the POTENTIAL to be a Cy Young winner down the road....


Also - don't be too hard on Albert. Again - it's only 1/3 of his first season. He's going to be there for a LONG time. Even if the first year or two and the last year or two are bad the Angels are paying for the tasty center - like a $240 mil Oreo cookie.

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Just saw that... ouch!


Actually (and they haven't been using this as an excuse) the Rangers have been passing the flu around the clubhouse for the last few weeks. Derek Holland lost about 15 lbs from it.


I got that flu last year. I couldn't get out of bed for a week. I can't imagine having to play a baseball game with it.


They'll get their strength back. And if the Angles haven't taken advantage of the situation they will be in trouble.

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Disappointed but understood when he chose to retire ..He had a good couple more years left in him. Glad he is back. Yanks need him.


Andy still has his weapons .. his cut fastball with his off speed pitches .. especially his slider, curve & change-up ..have been looking good so far.

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