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Sold our House & Found a House...


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Chris that is an absolutely GORGEOUS home!! I think that place is pretty big but then again I'm shooting for a 2 car minimum garage for my first home purchase. It's a bit daunting going into a home as a first time home buyer but I'm still looking around right now. Found a few but of course out of my price range.


Good luck with everything and keep us posted!




I bought the home I'm in now 12 years ago and it WAS my first home.


My criteria was such:


2 car garage

central air (didn't have this in my rental)

a shower NOT in the basement only (my rental only had one in the basement and it was a shower head over a floor drain next to a cellar door) VERY cold in the winter...

3 bedroom (resale value)


Remember, you're buying the house for you, but think about when you need to sell it. 3 bedroom homes sell MUCH better than 1 or 2. Also location. Stay away from busy roads. People normally don't like that. A park nearby is huge!



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I bought the home I'm in now 12 years ago and it WAS my first home.


My criteria was such:


2 car garage

central air (didn't have this in my rental)

a shower NOT in the basement only (my rental only had one in the basement and it was a shower head over a floor drain next to a cellar door) VERY cold in the winter...

3 bedroom (resale value)


Remember, you're buying the house for you, but think about when you need to sell it. 3 bedroom homes sell MUCH better than 1 or 2. Also location. Stay away from busy roads. People normally don't like that. A park nearby is huge!




Thank you for the advice! I will keep that in mind when I'm looking around at homes. House hunting alone feels like a part time job! I have been eyeballing up this one which is all brick and has an all block/brick detached 3 car garage. It's pushing my budget for what I can buy but would be perfect for me, my lady and a few puppies! :D I'm hopefully :xfingers: getting a nice raise next month since the section of the website I'm working on had a $60,000 increase in sales last year and that's with only about half of that section completed. I want a piece of that! :lolsmack:


Anyways I'll stop the hijacking. Thank you again for the advice!!

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Thank you for the advice! I will keep that in mind when I'm looking around at homes. House hunting alone feels like a part time job! I have been eyeballing up this one which is all brick and has an all block/brick detached 3 car garage. It's pushing my budget for what I can buy but would be perfect for me, my lady and a few puppies! :D I'm hopefully :xfingers: getting a nice raise next month since the section of the website I'm working on had a $60,000 increase in sales last year and that's with only about half of that section completed. I want a piece of that! :lolsmack:


Anyways I'll stop the hijacking. Thank you again for the advice!!


More advice... Don't be scared to stretch yourself a bit... When buying insurance try to shoot for a $1000 deductible. It lowers the rates quite a bit.


We're stretching the H.E. double hockey sticks out of ourselves for this one. My wife doesn't work so it makes it that much more painful. Of course we don't have day care to pay for either... :thumbsup:


Good luck! Oh and it's my thread so I can hijack all I want... :D



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More advice... Don't be scared to stretch yourself a bit... When buying insurance try to shoot for a $1000 deductible. It lowers the rates quite a bit.


We're stretching the H.E. double hockey sticks out of ourselves for this one. My wife doesn't work so it makes it that much more painful. Of course we don't have day care to pay for either... :thumbsup:


Good luck! Oh and it's my thread so I can hijack all I want... :D




Again more good advice! I'm sure when the time comes and I'm zeroing in on a home I'll be posting up about it!


I don't ever plan on having kids for a few reasons and my better half does not want them either so it all works out! We will be super happy being DINKS (Dual Income No Kids) :D Just being patient, looking at everything and keeping all options open at this point. If we can only settle on a 2 car garage I want to make sure there is room to expand on that garage to make it at least a 40x40 garage/shop and have plenty of room to do full corrections inside. One thing I have learned just by living at my parents, apartment and whatnot is you can never have enough garage space and with me being a shadetree mechanic and detailing nut I know I will have something to put somewhere out in the garage :lolsmack:


I'll keep that insurance rate in mind as well! Thanks again!

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Chris, since it's not your first house you may be planning on this, but when we bought our house (first and only so far) it was a 'for sale by owner' as well. Since we did not have a realtor involved we had a real estate attorney review and revise the contract. He added contingency stuff we did not think about:

  • The seller was to pay us rent until a specified move out date
  • If they were not out by midnight on that date the rent changed to X dollars per day
  • If something major broke (AC, range, etc.) while they still occupied the hosue they had to pay for the repair

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Chris, since it's not your first house you may be planning on this, but when we bought our house (first and only so far) it was a 'for sale by owner' as well. Since we did not have a realtor involved we had a real estate attorney review and revise the contract. He added contingency stuff we did not think about:
  • The seller was to pay us rent until a specified move out date
  • If they were not out by midnight on that date the rent changed to X dollars per day
  • If something major broke (AC, range, etc.) while they still occupied the hosue they had to pay for the repair


Oh yeah... I have an attorney and we have a drop dead move date for both homes. The 27th for them and the 27th for me, but I have an agreement with my buyer to allow me to move on the same day we close. This will allow me to clean the house thoroughly before they move in as well. (not that it's dirty)


No rent or anything like that was included. It's move or else! lol



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  • 4 weeks later...

One week from today and we're moving... Man this has taken FOREVER it seems...


We're all packed, minus the small daily use things. We're eating on paper now too. lol


Man, we have a TON of stuff and we gave and tossed a bunch of it away too.


Fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong between now and then...



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Thanks Nick. Just called the water company and changed our address online. Called the city and left a message. Forgot it's Presidents day. lol Also just changed my primary address on the Adams Store to the new address...


Priorities you know! lol


I need to remove my Adams Banner from the garage, but the truck is loaded full and so close to the wall, I can't get in to remove it. It'll have to wait I guess. lol



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