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The perfect woman







Loves football.

Loves Nascar.

Loves to order Adam's products no matter how large the order.

Loves to detail her on car on weekends.

Thinks owning a PC or Flex is cool and tells all of her friends about them.

Prefers DS over hair spray.

Loves waxing (Cars)



What else?

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Brunette, but ill settle for a blonde

Perfect Hair (I love it when a women has her hair done up)

Must be able to hold a conversation (being single and dating this is hard for them/find)



Be able to put up with my lame, dry humor

Must be funny

Actually knows what is going on in the world

Understands obsession with cars, garages, and keeping them clean

**Knows how to have fun**


Business savy type

Wears glasses part of the time and when she does has a "librarian" look to her

obviously attractive

Shorter but not to short (im 6'3")

*****Can drive a manual*****

Has good taste in food/clothes/cars

Must have gorgeous eyes

and just an all around down to earth women.


Thats my dream girl, if i could find one that doesnt have her nose in her phone and can actually have a conversation I would settle if she just had one of the things on my list:lolsmack:

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