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This is just sad

Team Adam's

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Thats a terrible thing to hear Bill. I'm sorry. Its a shame the legal system/the world want to make it so hard for caring people to give a child in a bad situation a better shot at leading a good life.


My wife and I desperately want to adopt from Russia or China, but to do so costs an obscene amount of money. Why it should cost so much to save a childs life is beyond me.


Thanks Dylan. The sad part is Dominic's mother also has 2 boys (ages 7 and 9) that were abandoned to foster care as well... how that works is completely beyond me

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My kids (ages 17, 16 and 13) knew exactly who he was and what he did.


Congrats Steve. My 19 year old son and I had a discussion about how the raid happened and how it is being handled in the media. Very proud dad after reading this thread!

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Its sad yes, but at the time of 9/11 Im sure parents didn't tell there very young child what happened to install fear in there child. I'm not a parent, but I know at that time they wouldn't have understood. As teenagers now, they don't watch the news; they watch mtv, Jersey shore or BET.


Ask a Teen Who Tupac is and how he died and they will give you an in depth description on how it went down!

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Wow I cannot believe this! How can people not know who he is! That's just obsurd!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk so please excuse any grammatical errors

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How do they know how old the people searching on the internet are? I've never seen a survey pop up asking me how hold I am as I'm searching for something. That data can't possibly be known.

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How do they know how old the people searching on the internet are? I've never seen a survey pop up asking me how hold I am as I'm searching for something. That data can't possibly be known.


63.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

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I can't believe people don't know who he is! I'm not gonna lie I'm 17 and was 7 when 9/11 happened, but I still know about Al-Quaeda and Osama. It's ridiculous how stupid people are today and it is true you really don't learn about terrorism or up date events in school, but really you don't who the most hunted down man in the world is!? It's true my generation is a bit too much into Jersey Shore and people are so ignorant in school!

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After reading those tweet links I think it's not just pets that need to be spayed and neutered. You can't cure stupid, but you can neuter it. Hey, here's a real scary thought: these people will be of voting age soon.:willy:

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I read the other day that 50% of the people in this country make up half the population.


Stats are wonderful things!


Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes

'There are three kinds of lies: lies, dammned lies, and statistics'

Mark Twain

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Makes me so upset to hear things like this.


Reminds me about something that happened on the 5 year aniversery of 9/11. A 16 year old girl who worked for we was complaining that she had to go to some stupid assembly at school, that she did not even pay attention about some stupid thing that happened years ago. Then she went off about how she thought the assembly had something to do with the war we were in for Oil. I almost bit her head off, but then i stepped back and took a deep breath and realized that she is just ignorant and un-educated, and her parents were probably never educated themselves, and were ignorant enough to tell her that were were in Afghanistan for Oil.


So I tried to explain to her all about 9/11 the wars in Iraq and Afganistan and why were in them. Of course she rolled her eyes at everything i said. I decided that people like her are hopeless and will never be educated because they have such a narrow view of the world, they only hear what they want to hear and only know what they want to know.:(



Now on the other hand when we found out about Bin Ladens death, i was at my fiances parents house for dinner. Her 12 year old sister was able to explain to us all about 9/11, Osama Bin Laden, Why they hate us so, why we are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was in shock, i sat there with my mouth open while she explain this.


She is only 12 and was 2 when the attacks happend yet she is more educated about it than many people twice her age. Why? Because her parents took time to sit her down and explain to her all about the attacks, why they happened etc... I wish more parents would have been like hers.


Sorry about my long rant

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I think this is what happens when the care in the world for some teens, is Playstation, WII, XBox, Dungeons & dragons etc...


Instead of watching the evening news, lets watch those stupid reality shows. After all isn't watching people have a race across the world, pretend to survive on a desert island, act like fools singing on TV more important than anything else?

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