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Annoying "Haze" left behind



:confused: so i took late last night and today some time to break out the PC on the Audi and start the correction. One, let me tell you, being that this is going to be my first full car correction im not going for "perfection" but very close to it. I washed it Thursday drove it abit on Friday then threw her in the garage. It was kind of dusty so I figured ide try the WW on it (got over my fear and man this stuff is awesome!)


I then proceeded with CLAY wipe then SHR then FMP wiped and noticed a haze on it. I then tried Revive and it got rid of alot of the haze but there is still some left over. Ive quite working on it (im just doing the hood) so I can figure out what im doing wrong. anyguesses? I dont want to MSW/americana it in. i pulled it out into the sun today and my jaw dropped when the sun hit the hood, if only i could get rid of this haze:willy:


I know its not marring because the "direction" of haze changes as i go over it different directions with ADAM's single soft towel.


All towels and products are adams (single soft, i dont like the double soft towels) and btw my towels were clean. TIA

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There are a lot of oils left on the surface after spending a lot of time correcting. You just need to either wash it down with Adams shampoo or us WCW. Either works!


If it's the actual paint that's still not quite popping, then do like Chris says above and go back over it with FMP.



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Identical, it looked like that until i pulled out the revive and now its "slightly" there. If i have to resort to the IPA whats your dilution? also, im working in a garage, paint temperature is right around 72-76 degrees




ill try and set up the cell phone camera on a shelf, Ive followed the video's to the "T" do you have a different "LBS" you would recommend pushing down on the:pc:? I do have to admit that I started to get impatient and probably started moving to fast. Ill go get some coffee and start working on it again and try it slow slow slow:o



I use 70% concentrate IPA so my mix 16 oz IPA 10 oz distilled water.


I was using a Flex when I got mine. I have never had this happen with a PC. My guess is you didn't work the FMP long enough. One other possibility could your towel. Were you usiing a clean side of the towel? If you're wiping with a caked up side all you're going to do is schmear it around. I'm going to do the Revive tip today.

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Now that I know that you can make a video, make another one without the music. I want to hear what you're doing and thinking.


In the video, these are the things that you need to show and tell.


1. Tell us what speed you have the polisher set for. SPEAK.

2. Show us how much polish you are using.

3. Tell us how much pressure you are using.

4. Show us the pad you are using. Let us know if it is new or used, clean or dirty.

5. Tell us anything else that may pertain to this, even if you think that it is not important.


When you are done with the video, you should have drawn a picture with your words in a manner than a person without sight can gather what you are doing. That's how detailed you need to be. Then we can help you with a lot better diagnosis.

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the paint is :drool::drool: less a few "deeper" scratches that can only be seen if your on top of it, its incredible.Like i said in my OP im only going for 90% its the DD. I assume you would wash before i seal/wax it?


If you have a lot of oils on it, I would. WCW will work them off too though.

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the paint is :drool::drool: less a few "deeper" scratches that can only be seen if your on top of it, its incredible.Like i said in my OP im only going for 90% its the DD. I assume you would wash before i seal/wax it?


So the haze is gone now ? Did another pass of FMP clean it up ?

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So the haze is gone now ? Did another pass of FMP clean it up ?


Nope, I havent had a chance I washed my pads up yesterday and they are still drying:help: they're 80% dry, its crazy how long it takes, I spun dried them too.


Havent tried WW yet either as they are in the dryer as i type this

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I've had this happen before. If you wash to strip away everything, or even use a 50:50 water/iso in a spray bottle then rewax you should be good. I believe my problem was a combination of the glaze and wax not curing on the paint that had polish left over.


Ever since I found the problem I stocked up on a quality microfiber so I never smeared anything around anymore.

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i made a video, sorry for the garbage quality. I have a couple appropriate songs in there to help with the "boringness":patriot:


In the beginning you can see the haze, but now its only where i shut it off and lifted the PC up off the paint. I split the hood up in 1/3 sections. This is the same technique i used on the other 2 parts. going over it a second time helped, now its just in the areas, you can actually see the pattern of the PC pad:confused:


<iframe width="640" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/rRuTyQ-Sm0o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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The video is great !!!


Makes things so much easier to help :2thumbs:


In my opinion, and I'm sure you will get more opinions.


First, cut the size of the area you are polishing in half. Move the polisher a little faster, about double the speed you are going now and keep that puppy moving when you shut it off. There were a bunch of times when you just stopped in a single spot. And hard to tell from the angle but maybe a little more polish.



You are really close to doing a great job, just minor technique corrections and your problem will be solved :rockon::rockon::rockon::rockon:



Everyone should take a video of their polishing, you just might be surprised at the difference between what you are doing and what you think you are doing. It is just like a golf swing :2thumbs:

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I agree with what Bill said about speed. A little faster. One thing that was a little hard to tell was how much pressure you were pushing down. It looked like the backing plate was spinning to much, so maybe a little more pressure. However, in one shot I seen the veins popping out of your hand which tells me you either had a death grip on the PC or you were pushing down. Since your backing is black take a silver Sharpie or piece green/blue 3M tape and put a line on it. This will help you see how fast the backing plate is spinning.

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