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Price of Gas Around the World Today:


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Never mind the price of gas, I had to give the state a check for $850 today just for the pleasure of driving my new truck on these crappy roads. The Massachusetts Excise Tax is a joke, it just goes into some politicians pocket :mad::mad::mad:

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I believe it..


my parents have to pay a yearly tax to RI for their vehicles.. thats odd to me..


They charge you on the estimated worth of your vehicle. So for the truck the Excise Tax is $200 more than my insurance for the year !!!!

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very true! but i would guess your dad's driving miles is up there in the top 5% of people you just drive A BUNCH! but i don't categorize the cost for road trips in my monthly fuel budget... it gets categorized under "miscellaneous" or "extra spending", because it is not normal when we go on a long road trip that is more than 100 miles. if you knew you were doing it monthly, or weekly, or more than once a week, then of course it would be part of your fuel budget.


I'm not disagreeing with what you are saying but being in Texas you should know that if you want something you have to drive 100 miles to get to anything usually. My family lives about 40 miles one way outside of San Antonio and my dad drives there 5 days a week, thats 400 miles in a week. When gas went up crazy a few years ago they decided that a mini was a good car for him and it has been awesome. Just to tell you how many miles he alone has put on his car, its a 2009 mini with 65K miles on it already.


I've had my car personally for 2 years now and it had 50K miles on it and it just rolled over 80K this week.


For the city people who drive 10 miles to work and back the gas isn't changing that much although they might think so, the people who it is hurting most is actually the farmers/small business owners who rely on transportation and would be out of business without it.

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I love my 13 mpg gas guzzler but luckily i get to take the company truck home so i dont drive much other than to show off. It does suck puttng 100 bucks in the thing but could be worse, cost my company 150 bucks every other day to fill up my bucket truck. Just glad i dont live in the 6dollar plus areas.

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so i was reading an article today in the news paper that we just loaned Brazil 5.65 billion dollars to build an oil refinery to then sell us the refined fuel back, @#&$^ why cant we build a refinery here and give jobs to american....Guess who signed that bill.


Then when asked about the rising fuel prices in an interview nobama said if you cant afford the gas go buy a hybrid...Thats how out of touch this poor fellow is to america. Thanks to him and his puppet masters throwing billions around that never trickled back to the american public america cant just go out and purchase a new "hybrid"....He also is pouring billions of money into finding alternative energy when that money could be used to subsidize the higher fuel cost's or use that money to start paying back our deficit. (BTW: a family's brand new volt bursted into flames in the garage and burned down the house....)


I have a few choice words for both sides of the aisle but man, put me in a room with nobama and his puppet masters..... sadly it would go in one ear and out the other......:help:


Unless we can drill closer to the shores and in alaska we will never have low fuel costs....someone needs to shove a sock in those ohh so frustrating environmentalist. (for another discusion, they are the reason 835 miles of our US/Mexican boarder are un guarded because they are more woried about the stupid ground and foot prints then the safty of americans...its just sad what this country has come to)

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......Gee, if only the U.S. was an oil producing nation.....

Hey, wait a minute!!! we are ,what the heck happened??


This is a chart from an editorial in Investor's Business Daily showing the top nations in the world energy reserves. Notice the number one position.


In the United States we have more energy in reserves than any other country in the world. We are prevented from getting it and using it by politicians. Jobs in the energy exploration and recovery sectors are high paying. Developing all of our resources keeps the money here. That's all the money from salaries, taxes, royalties, etc. Instead our elected representatives think in our best interest to send our money out of the country. Why? High energy prices hurt the lower and middle classes more than the wealthy, yet these same politicians claim they are the working man's friend. With friends like this who needs enemies?

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Dang, wish i only drove 250 miles a month.



I drive 800 a week


that's in my Camaro that only gets driven on the weekends


Unless we can drill closer to the shores and in alaska we will never have low fuel costs....someone needs to shove a sock in those ohh so frustrating environmentalist. (for another discusion, they are the reason 835 miles of our US/Mexican boarder are un guarded because they are more woried about the stupid ground and foot prints then the safty of americans...its just sad what this country has come to)


there is a TON of oil on the eastern coast, and Florida's GoM coastline. but the states prevent drilling from occuring closer to land where most of the reserves are. one thing california got right was allowing oil to be produced offshore, but they are very strict with it. they basically require any offshore platform to "look" like an island, so that it isn't "ugly". if the eastern coast states that ban offshore drilling would at least adopt those laws from Ca, then more could be produced.


This is a chart from an editorial in Investor's Business Daily showing the top nations in the world energy reserves. Notice the number one position.


In the United States we have more energy in reserves than any other country in the world. We are prevented from getting it and using it by politicians. Jobs in the energy exploration and recovery sectors are high paying. Developing all of our resources keeps the money here. That's all the money from salaries, taxes, royalties, etc. Instead our elected representatives think in our best interest to send our money out of the country. Why? High energy prices hurt the lower and middle classes more than the wealthy, yet these same politicians claim they are the working man's friend. With friends like this who needs enemies?


the sad thing is most of those reserves are Shale Gas, and with Natural Gas prices being so low, not rising like oil is, it is uneconomic to produce them. plus, shale gas is still so new, us engineers do not understand them that well, and a lot of dry holes have been drilled because of it.


but we are still cranking it out in the Permian Basin!!! work out here has picked up A LOT! and everyone is hiring! if you northerners need jobs, comes down here and get paid really well!

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Eleven years ago in France, I was paying $8 US per gallon. I made a pact with myself that week, that I would never again complain about the price until I was paying that again.



And in case anyone was wondering, high gas prices do NOT slow people down into gas saving speeds. At 8 bucks a gallon the posted highway speed was 80 MPH. The actual speed driven was in the area of 105 MPH!

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there is a TON of oil on the eastern coast, and Florida's GoM coastline. but the states prevent drilling from occuring closer to land where most of the reserves are. one thing California got right was allowing oil to be produced offshore, but they are very strict with it. they basically require any offshore platform to "look" like an island, so that it isn't "ugly". if the eastern coast states that ban offshore drilling would at least adopt those laws from Ca, then more could be produced.


the sad thing is most of those reserves are Shale Gas, and with Natural Gas prices being so low, not rising like oil is, it is uneconomic to produce them. plus, shale gas is still so new, us engineers do not understand them that well, and a lot of dry holes have been drilled because of it.


but we are still cranking it out in the Permian Basin!!! work out here has picked up A LOT! and everyone is hiring! if you northerners need jobs, comes down here and get paid really well!


That is true, but it is also what we were told back in the '70's & '80's in high school and college regarding the oil sands of Canada and the U.S. The Canadians are sending us thousands and thousands of barrels a day of it while we are sitting on top of ours. We are sitting on top of ours due to government regulations. Quoting Wikipedia: Section 526 of the Energy Independence And Security Act prohibits United States government agencies from buying oil produced by processes that produce more greenhouse gas emissions than would traditional petroleum including oil sands.


As for coal the US has the world's largest proven reserves but again we can't go after a lot of it simply because a very high percentage is under Federally owned lands. The National Mining Association puts the .gov reserves at 88 billion short tons.




BTW: I forgot to add that here in northern Illinois we like strip mining for coal. When the coal company is done we get fishing lakes:





Mazonia Fish & Wildlife Area Braidwood, IL

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I have serious questions about an email quoting world gas prices when they can't even spell my home town/country correctly or estimate its fuel cost


It's Sydney, Australia!


I also know for a fact that the price of petrol [gas] back home in Sydney right now is at about $1.49 / litre. Which equates to about a hair under $6.00 / gallon U.S when all conversions [currency & measurement] are done.





Sydney-siders wish it was the posted price in the OP!

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