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Went to our weekly drill tonight..


twas RIT training.. one of the newer guys on my co thinks he knows everything and is cocky.. well we were carrying out another guy down a makeshift staircase and instead of going at a team pace, he was yanking him down the stairs which caused me to miss the last step and roll my ankle.. needless to say I wanted to smack some sense into him, but I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.. now I have a nasty limp..

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Went to our weekly drill tonight..


twas RIT training.. one of the newer guys on my co thinks he knows everything and is cocky.. well we were carrying out another guy down a makeshift staircase and instead of going at a team pace, he was yanking him down the stairs which caused me to miss the last step and roll my ankle.. needless to say I wanted to smack some sense into him, but I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.. now I have a nasty limp..


IMHO, this a$$hat needs to be confronted before he injures someone during a call. What if he had injured a civilian? There is a reason for SOP. It gets everyone on the same page so bad things like your rolled ankle or worse doesn't happen.


Almost forgot::worth:

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Went to our weekly drill tonight..


twas RIT training.. one of the newer guys on my co thinks he knows everything and is cocky.. well we were carrying out another guy down a makeshift staircase and instead of going at a team pace, he was yanking him down the stairs which caused me to miss the last step and roll my ankle.. needless to say I wanted to smack some sense into him, but I bit my tongue and stayed quiet.. now I have a nasty limp..


Is he trying to be the next Tommy Gavin?

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Nick ..that would of never been tolerated in my old Dept.

We had probies that always came in cocky thinking they knew more than the chief but they were put in their place real quick.

Arrogance can be a safety issue especially when fighting fires. The officers always brought this up during drill nights every week.

Paul is right ..this newbie needs to be spoken to before he causes an issue during an fire call or extrication.

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Diesel smashed my face with a tennis ball. Instant nose bleed, I wasn't sure if it was broken so I went to emergency at 10:30 last night. Made it home at 1am no broken nose. :) impact was hard enough to cause a small gash on my nose tho. Swelled up a bit now but no black eyes! I hope it stays that way lol. All this and my wedding is next sat

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IMHO, this a$$hat needs to be confronted before he injures someone during a call. What if he had injured a civilian? There is a reason for SOP. It gets everyone on the same page so bad things like your rolled ankle or worse doesn't happen.

Almost forgot::worth:

I've barked at him a few times, it goes in one ear and out the other, he's buddy'd up with a 'hotshot' thats been on my company longer than I (only moved to this town a lil over 2 years ago) so he sees that kid not listen to anyone and thinks he's the same.. reminds me of this runt..



Nick ..that would of never been tolerated in my old Dept.

We had probies that always came in cocky thinking they knew more than the chief but they were put in their place real quick.

Arrogance can be a safety issue especially when fighting fires. The officers always brought this up during drill nights every week.

Paul is right ..this newbie needs to be spoken to before he causes an issue during an fire call or extrication.

I've debated going to an officer, still not sure as I don't want to get **** from other members for 'ratting him out'


I'm sitting in the ER with my wife and younger daughter. The little one went to the Dr. today and the Dr. sent her to the ER. Diabetes is suspected so any prayers you can say for my littlest one is sincerely appreciated.

Diabetes sucks, I hope they're wrong and it's just a bug..

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Worked a 15 hour day yesterday sweating my butt off in the awesome heat with the 75% humidity unloading the ship from everything the air wing brought onboard. Now I am getting ready to go back into work again for a few hours this morning, then according to the CO and CMC, we have the rest of the time off till monday morning.

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I'm back at the office today. Abby will get out of the hospital this afternoon. Unfortunately the diagnosis is Type 1 diabetes. This is a life changing event for our family. A life long friend of mine was diagnosed in 1971 and he has lived a healthy full life without complications. CEO of a large corporation, multiple post grad degrees, etc let's me know that my little pumpkin can do the same. Having lived in a family with diabetes on both sides of the family will help with everything that will come our way. Thank you for your prayers.

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I'm back at the office today. Abby will get out of the hospital this afternoon. Unfortunately the diagnosis is Type 1 diabetes. This is a life changing event for our family. A life long friend of mine was diagnosed in 1971 and he has lived a healthy full life without complications. CEO of a large corporation, multiple post grad degrees, etc let's me know that my little pumpkin can do the same. Having lived in a family with diabetes on both sides of the family will help with everything that will come our way. Thank you for your prayers.


Thats unfortunate.. maybe she can naturally kick it in the near future.. I've lowered my numbers by changing my diet..


as for lancets, the One Touch Delica work pretty good for causing pretty much no pain when they prick, they are much thinner than most lancets..

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Thats unfortunate.. maybe she can naturally kick it in the near future.. I've lowered my numbers by changing my diet..


as for lancets, the One Touch Delica work pretty good for causing pretty much no pain when they prick, they are much thinner than most lancets..


Unfortunately Abby has type 1 diabetes, not type 2. Type 1 means her body no longer produces insulin and she must have it administered into her body. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body still produces insulin. It can be controlled by changes in weight, diet and exercise. It also can be controlled with medication other than insulin. The only good to come out of all this is that my older daughter and I will be forced to eat better and hopefully that will accelerate my weight loss. For the year I have gone down 3 pant sizes and am rapidly nearing 4.

Thank you for the lead on lancets.:thumbsup:

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this week has been hell! i worked 7:30-6:30 every day including today when we usually work half days on fridays.


but it'll pay off in the end, i'm working on a pretty big project right now! just gotta make it through monday's proposal.

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Unfortunately Abby has type 1 diabetes, not type 2. Type 1 means her body no longer produces insulin and she must have it administered into her body. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body still produces insulin. It can be controlled by changes in weight, diet and exercise. It also can be controlled with medication other than insulin. The only good to come out of all this is that my older daughter and I will be forced to eat better and hopefully that will accelerate my weight loss. For the year I have gone down 3 pant sizes and am rapidly nearing 4.

Thank you for the lead on lancets.:thumbsup:

Did they give her one of those auto injectors or do you have to give her the shots?

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We're doing the shots for now since those auto injectors (pumps) are extremely pricey.

Cost of an Insulin Pump - Consumer Information and Prices Paid - CostHelper.com

After 3 days in the hospital I know we've met our deductible for the year:willy: so we will definitely get one this year though we may not use it immediately.

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Goina walk the dog today. Maybe take him swimming, goina try to go to a movie!! I've been reading the book divergent and I must say it is a freaking awesome book!! Anyone looking to read and is into this type I highly suggest ( kinda like hunger games.. But not lol)

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Decided at the last minute to drive to ohio for my brothers grad party on Friday, noticed my brand new bottle of interior cleaner broke on the bottom edge of the bottle and it is all over the inside of my bin. Continued with drive, 8.5 hour drive turned into 13 hours, then again on the drive home yesterday, 13 hours later we pulled into the driveway. I don't want to work today.

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I didn't get my car done this weekend... I'm finding that the house facing East really BLOWS for detailing... The AM is WAY to sunny to wash it, and I'm too tired at night to care. lol


I DID put in some new LED foglight bulbs though. Soldered and all... They sure are bright!

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