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I went to the office and at lunch time went to go fishing...until I opened the door to go outside...and said..."#@$% no!" :willy:


It's too hot n humid to go fishing, or wash the car or well anything having to do with the outdoors.

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Easy day at work. Got home early and was able to spray the lawn. Hopefully it works. Scraped the old caulk around the tub in one bathroom. I was expecting a 2-3 night project a little every night after work. Came off fairly easy. Will reapply a bead tomorrow night.

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Taking diesel out for a bike ride, had to do 2 full cleans at work= pain in the butt! Getting ready to go to a Flyball tournament this weekend, diesel might get a warm up spot at the tournament so were going for both days and hope for the best. I'll be taking pictures and video as well

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Taking diesel out for a bike ride


Is Diesel anything like Norman?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vdto2MAsU0s]Norman Rides a Bike - YouTube[/ame]

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Lol oh god... He would be SO mad at me if I even attempted to get him to do that. He would think I'm crazy, I ask him to jump fences but that would just get me alot of attitude followed by laying down and refusing to move lol!


Got into my car this morning to see it gave me a present


Now has to go to the shop Friday, hope it's fixed so I can go to Flyball. I don't like driving with lights like that on, around town is fine but not like 2 hrs down a highway lol

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Lol oh god... He would be SO mad at me if I even attempted to get him to do that. He would think I'm crazy, I ask him to jump fences but that would just get me alot of attitude followed by laying down and refusing to move lol!


Got into my car this morning to see it gave me a present


Now has to go to the shop Friday, hope it's fixed so I can go to Flyball. I don't like driving with lights like that on, around town is fine but not like 2 hrs down a highway lol


Mine does that from time to time... I believe there's a recall or something on it... I disregard... I won't let a mechanic touch my car. I chock it up to being a GM vehicle. :o

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Mine does that from time to time... I believe there's a recall or something on it... I disregard... I won't let a mechanic touch my car. I chock it up to being a GM vehicle. :o


I did the recall on it! Passenger side airbag switch I think it was.. Did that alittle while ago. So I dunno what's wrong, I'll find out Tom tho

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