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My Parents came down this weekend.. we went out for breakfast Saturday morning, then went to the Apple store to swap my phone, then to Christmas Tree Shop..


we then went home and into the pool and relaxed.. later on we went to CPK and then back home and used the firepit..


today, we spent more time in the pool, then invited the In-Laws and my Niece & Nephew along with their parents, and my Wife's crazy Aunt..


while I was grilling it started to Thunder.. and then DOWNPOUR! then it stopped for a little, happened some more, etc lol


Now everyone is gone :(

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Detailed an Audi A4 yesterday in the slightly warm weather. Results were great. Customer then wanted a quote to do his 2009 Toyota Sequoia (aka the white whale as I've named it) and when I told him the quote he was a bit shocked. Funny thing is I'm actually cutting him a deal since he has been a customer of mine for 8 years now and never really increased the prices I charged him for those 8 years. I wasn't charging enough to begin with and finally I had to raise it up.


Said customers brother works at a Volvo dealership and said he could have them do it for much less. I tried telling him I know what they won't do, I know what they will do to your paint and I can guarantee you that the results won't be what I do. He was mulling it over but I know he won't let me do it now simply because of the price. Oh well that's his choice to get his ride swirled to hell by hacks that don't know what the hell to use. Plus if it's the same clowns working there when I worked at Benz back in college, oh it's going to be epic. Might as well make some popcorn now.


And since that detail has since flushed down the toilet, I now have nothing to do on Wednesday. Not sure if I should work on the Jeep some more, wash the car or just relax. The work-a-holic in me is going 10,000 mph right now.


I never thought I would say this but I honestly can't wait until the 9-5 pays well enough that I don't need to detail anyone else's rides to make additional income besides my own and my better halfs. Sorry for the semi-rant. Still on my nerves a bit as I'm sure some of you can tell.

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Wedding planning.... I HATE wdding planning. Honestly the best part so far other then my dress was the gift registry. Just putting anything and everything I want on the list. Then me and diesel went to Flyball, he's having a hard time understanding what he's supposed to be doing right now

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Wedding planning.... I HATE wdding planning. Honestly the best part so far other then my dress was the gift registry. Just putting anything and everything I want on the list.


LOL....Mine was easy. My wife and I woke up one morning and she said lets go get married today. I had already bought a ring figured there would me more to it. But that was it. Short and Sweet, and told everybody about it afterwards.

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Ya and then I got woke up by crack heads walking down the parking lot "saying wtf is that?!" with plastic baggies on their hands. I always wake up if I hear people, that way I can watch over the cars. Also found out that one of my old buddies rolled his truck and killed my other buddies gfs dad :( so sad.

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Wedding planning.... I HATE wdding planning. Honestly the best part so far other then my dress was the gift registry. Just putting anything and everything I want on the list. Then me and diesel went to Flyball, he's having a hard time understanding what he's supposed to be doing right now


Going through wedding planning with my fiance right now, its such a whirlwind. I didn't think the cost of a wedding would be like the cost of living in Northern Virginia, EXPENSIVE!


Good luck, I'm right there with ya.

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My wife and I got tired of the pressure from the family to have a big wedding, so we moved it up to having only 3 weeks to execute the thing. She found her dress at David's Bridal for $99, we gave the church $300 as a donation for the small service and for using their little hall, otherwise family pitched in for everything else, out the door we were under 1k.

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My wife and I got tired of the pressure from the family to have a big wedding, so we moved it up to having only 3 weeks to execute the thing. She found her dress at David's Bridal for $99, we gave the church $300 as a donation for the small service and for using their little hall, otherwise family pitched in for everything else, out the door we were under 1k.


Good For You:cheers:


Some people spend way to much time, energy and of course money to have the "perfect wedding" and they seem to forget what a wedding is actually about.


My wife and I spent about $1500 total (some of it my parents paid for). Most of that was the cost to rent tables and pay for all the food to feed my large family.

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I had the whole thing on my shoulders and spent 10 g's on it. That's nothing today, but it was a lot for me to spend on something that lasted only a few hours.


I regret doing it... I'd have been happy flying off and doing it. Big weddings are only for people trying to prove something. Love is love... If it's there, the size of the wedding won't mean a thing.



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got through some trainings provided by samsung and entered to win myself a Samsung galaxy S3. this phoen is going to be crazy! I have a a decent shot at winning since only a couple hundred people entered to win and they are giving away 150 of them

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Got home early to clean up the house before the Mother In Law arrives from Tennessee for a few days.


Still going strong on my cleansing diet to help with my back injury. Can't have any toxins for 3 weeks. I've had no alcohol, dairy, red meat, or coffee for 1.5 weeks. Half way there and I have no issues from my herniated discs.

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ahhh, good ol' wedding planning! i learned to stay out of the way early on. the only thing i did was take the groomsmen to get fitted for tuxedos.


my advise, register at a hardware or electronics store also. you can only keep so many bath towels and frying pans!!!

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ahhh, good ol' wedding planning! i learned to stay out of the way early on. the only thing i did was take the groomsmen to get fitted for tuxedos.


my advise, register at a hardware or electronics store also. you can only keep so many bath towels and frying pans!!!


Matt and I are registering at Bed Bath and Beyond, Adams Polishes and Lowes.


I just have to wait for the proposal!!! ;)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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