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Washed the wifes car, was going to clay it and really get into something good, but it was just a bit too hot with the sun beaming down, so I just washed, dried, buttery waxed, svrt'd and undercarriage sprayed it, and cleaned the windows! Looks pretty! I'll see about a possible pic later.

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I had a busy day. I got up early and spent a bunch of time cleaning my engine bay ( it was filthy). Then i finally put on my new rear bumper cover on my truck ( i got hit over a year ago and just have not replaced it yet). I also cleaned and used mp 1 and 2 on my tailpipes. I sealed and waxed my new bumper. Then i washed the whole truck. I helped my wife paint our bathroom and inatalled a new bathroom faucet.

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Well... I went over to my friend's house last night to have a couple beers and relax.


... How he talked me into going to the bar at midnight and staying until last call when we had to golf at 8:06 AM today, I do not know.


But I digress, I show a disastrous 51 on the front and a solid 42 on the back. It's nice finally having a driver I feel comfortable with that I can smash. There was a 280 yard par 4 over water, I took the big stick out and out drove the green by 20-30 yards with a diagonal crosswind.


Last season I was hitting 4 iron, 6 iron into every par 4. Now it's Driver, 60*.



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Getting ready to go to Flyball, just stopped in at the supplier for some detail spray ( ran out :( ) and seen the metal polish #2 so I grabbed that for my rims. I have a list of stuff I want to order.. Just no $ to do so lol

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Laundry(yay-have the house to myself all weekend:) ) and finished a detail after yesterday's hard work of removing wheels, cleaning, and polishing them and the calipers. Thank god for those wheelie seats-I would have died w/o that!

Edited by DruzTdiCUP
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My driver side window fell off the track (don't ask why :willy:), so I had to tear the door apart. Door panel, electrical wiring, weather strip, and remove the window from the mounts, lower it, and put it back on track. It wasn't too hard, especially since I've NEVER done something like that. It was a lot of fun doing it.

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I got a drying rack installed in the laundry room to give us back our floor space, and finally installed the TV on the wall and the DVR and receiver in the basement, center speaker and sides wired. For now, no sub or rears. :banana: Now if our furniture would get here, we'd be golden.


Still have a lot to do... We'd have farkles on the cabinet, but our 21 month old likes to play with them. For now, it'll remain a bit plain. The chip clip somehow became a toy for him. :D


On Saturday I re-corrected the Enclave and put a coat of AQS on it. Looks good!



Edited by Chewy
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Is that just a plain drying rack or is it powered?


No power! Just pulls out and you hang stuff. We had one that was like an accordion that sat on the floor, but our dog stays in the laundry when we're gone so we needed the floor space for his bed, plus I thought it looked messy with it in there.



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It's cool, I wasn't sure if it had drying powers.. Lol


The Wife and I took the day off for our 2nd Wedding Anniversary.. We just got back a little while ago from a massage.. I will be hopping in the shower to get the oils off soon..


We have dinner plans at an Italian place in Weehawken

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FInally was able to wash my car after a good weak of wind and sand in the air. I actually covered the car in Americana for the first time every. Im a bit sore, and need to learn to not get it into the creases of the car.


Overall the car still feels soft and smooth as silk. I may tackle the interior tomorrow, as far as vacuuming the interior. The car is always clean on the inside ;)

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Well.. We went to a few stores and got gas.. Then headed to Weehawken for dinner to celebrate..


We went to Masina Trattoria Italiana.. The food was excellent.. We went and sat on the bench by the river and admired the skyline.. Also had a nice view of the Freedom Tower :patriot:


Then on the way home, the Wife surprised me with Apple TV.. Pretty darn cool!

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We love our Apple TV. Use it for Netflix, YouTube, and mirroring our phones and iPads to the TV, and of course listening to music.



Sent from the past using special algorithms and data nodes!

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i've been so busy at work, and supervising the progress on our house, my participation here has dropped :(


hopefully that'll pick back up in the next few weeks.


I was almost nonexistent here for 6 months when I was selling and buying our home and spending time with my son and of course work... Can't fault someone for priorities.



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From my office window I watched it rain on my clean ride for most of the day. I drove to get the twins and then home without using the wipers one time. Glass Sealant, FTW! It's still raining now at 8:30 PM. As of 6:00 PM we had just over an inch. Mama came home and made guacamole, yummm.

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Worked, spent my whole lunch hr cleaning my car for the cruise night. Get home and shower and just about to leave look out the window... Wind picked up like big time picked up so I walked around the house to take a look at the huge dark clouds that rolled in.. 10 min later it's pouring rain and extremely windy. So all that work for nothin! She was so shiny

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Today I had requals at the gun range. I had to re-qualify for my authorization to carry permit for work(shotgun and handgun).


My shooting isn't good at all(handgun) Shotgun I got 100% on my test. I really need to practice more. Im looking into buying my own firearm and becoming a member at a range.

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