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battleing some severe alergies, my head is about to explode. :mad: ive never had allergies before either, sofar dads flonase and zyrtec are the only things half way working


Im supposed to be tearing down our shed to make room for a new one going up (progress write up coming soon) But i cant really move, trying to prevent my head from exploding :jester::(

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^Holy giant pic Batman!!!^ Now I got to find those, they look yummmmmmmmmmmy! :drool:



BTW, while out in the driveway Waterless Washing the G8 smarty pants know it all neighbor just had to come tell me I was going to wreck my paint... again. Told him "find me the scratches!" He gave the car a quick glance and buggered off muttering to himself.:banana:

Edited by sportredmistress
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Went and picked up some flooring for the 2nd floor.. Got a pretty good deal so we bought now, even though I won't be installing until I'm done with the basement which is far from finished..


So far, I've brought 14 boxes (700 lbs) in, took a break after 6 to watch the 3rd period B's game.. Ate dinner, and watched sudden death OT, now just carried in 8.. Note that these are being carried in and stored upstairs because I don't know where else to put them..


Break for now.. Lol



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Replaced toilet in our WC with a comfort height elongated bowl toilet, replaced previous owner installed water lines in basement bathroom with stainless braided units for safety, went through items for goodwill and garage sale, replaced bulbs in garage with 300 watt bulbs, oh and setup inlaws AirPrint printer, and made their computer wifi enabled. not a bad day! Washed the G8 yesterday...



Sent from the past using special algorithms and data nodes!

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